Example sentences of "had lead [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He got out of the planes coming , we , we was coming over from de Laborgie and you give him the needle and I had to lead him off the lead him off the plane , and going down over the chimneys in Chantilly to landu Laborgie he goes , woo ooh ooh , getting ready you know .
2 Irish 25-mile ladies champion Claire Moore gave Trainor Solicitors a home win in the ladies championship after Aishling Baird ( Phoenix CC ) had led her to the turn but lost over a minute on the run back .
3 Irish 25-mile ladies champion Claire Moore gave Trainor Solicitors a home win in the ladies championship after Aishling Baird ( Phoenix CC ) had led her to the turn , but lost over a minute on the run back .
4 Irish 25-mile ladies champion Claire Moore gave Trainor Solicitors a home win in the ladies championship after Aishling Baird ( Phoenix CC ) had led her to the turn , but lost over a minute on the run back .
5 Before Melissa realised what was happening , he had led her off the path and in among the trees .
6 ‘ Who are you ? ’ the teenager asked after he had led her into the main concourse .
7 She felt a nervous spasm in her stomach as she passed the point where Fernand had led her from the path to show her his secret refuge .
8 My experience at the Fiesta Club had led me to the conclusion that , on average , a ‘ star ’ lasts about three years before fading to a nonentity and I intended to earn as much as possible in that time and retire — unhurt — with enough capital for a business .
9 Bewildering doubts and dissatisfied creativity had led him to the hills in search of a poetic subject ‘ that should give equal room and freedom for description , incident , and impassioned reflections on men , nature , and society ’ .
10 The path had led him to the edge of a cliff !
11 After an initial hesitation in December that lasted no more than forty-eight hours , the King 's sense of fair play had led him to the same conclusion .
12 Quick wit and cleverness at school had shifted him quickly from his roots in the Belfast underclass , and his natural proclivities had led him to the theatre set , a wee bit of acting and extra-work from time to time , usually as a gunman or a thug and once , memorably , as a rather well-fed hungerstriker .
13 Johnson was the shining star in an excellent Whitecaps side which included former English internationalists Alan Ball and Jon Sammels. his performances put an estimated 6,000 on the team 's home gate ; within a season Johnson had led them to the Soccer Bowl final against Tampa Bay Rowdies .
14 And Satan had led them to the attack .
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