Example sentences of "had [been] told by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The primary legend of Atlantis seems to have started in the fourth century BC , when Plato wrote that Solon , who had lived a century or so earlier , had visited Egypt and there had been told by a priest that , once upon a time , there had existed a continent beyond the Pillars of Hercules ( that is , the Strait of Gibraltar ) .
2 In Bucharest Dalby had been told by a totally reliable source that Ion Manescu , brutal Securitate chief , was alive .
3 By way of illustration , he cited the case of his Preface to The Dark Side of the Moon , which , according to what he had been told by a Foreign Office official , would certainly be so taken ; but I felt that there would be infinitely more likelihood of the remarks of T. S. Eliot being heeded than those of E. W. F. Tomlin .
4 He joined the church 's prayer for boldness to do exactly what he had been told by the authorities not to do .
5 He had been told by the doctors that he would be dead within a year if he did n't stop drinking .
6 He had tried to do as he had been told by the Pessarane Behesht .
7 He had been told by the police to say as little as possible to anyone .
8 She possessed an uncanny memory and recalled painful detail , in perfect clarity , that she had been told by the physician from India .
9 It was what she had been told by the sisters at the convent .
10 Thus , although the US had been told by the French not only that there was no question of the ‘ reconquest ’ of Indo-China but that it was also doubtful that France had the military strength to accomplish it , they were also invited to believe , by the French , that Ho was in direct contact with Moscow and was receiving advice and instructions from the Soviets .
11 It would be extremely unattractive to any group of workers or management to enter a serious bid if they had been told by the Scottish Office that the bid was so contemptible that it would not even qualify for assistance if it failed because another bid from within the same management or work force had been judged as superior .
12 The defendant had been told by the police to leave the scene outside a party where he had been swearing and shouting , which he grudgingly did , continuing to use foul language .
13 The question they had to answer was quite simple , and they had been told by the seneschal that he had been told that it was an empirical question , not a purely theoretical one , though he had also said he found this difficult to believe , as even the mysterious powers and forces which moved the Wars themselves could not control such absolutes .
14 The fatal accident inquiry at Ayr had been told by the lawyer for the golf club that the most important way to stop accidental drownings is by education .
15 On inquiring about the matter , I was told that the health common services authority had decided to move to the bay because it had been told by an independent property consultancy that it was a much better choice of location than anywhere else .
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