Example sentences of "had [prep] [be] put [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The cub became so domesticated he had to be put through a special programme to prepare him for life in his natural habitat .
2 Max and I were delighted with the result , but when I got back to the hotel I was taken violently ill and had to be put to bed .
3 He beat up some woman who had to be put into hospital , but Little Liz forgave him .
4 Not only words , but ideas had to be put into other dress .
5 However , Mr Upton said the figures had to be put into perspective .
6 One of the first problems faced by the Republic was that most of the colonies outside New England were loyal to the Stuart monarchs , and so in the early 1650s considerable effort had to be put into making them accept the new government .
7 Either she was left with the excellent non-skiing kindergarten , which she enjoyed but where she did not learn to ski , something she very much wanted to do , or she had to be put into skischool .
8 In the case of small dogs , half the dose had to be put into each nostril , and with large dogs the full dose was put into one nostril .
9 Sadly , the bar had closed and the staff had long since departed so the celebration pint of bitter had to be put on ice for another day .
10 His first attempt , four years ago , had to be put on hold through lack of cash and the right cast .
11 They would ride , most of them , if they had to be put on a horse while needing the use of crutches to walk or with splints on every bone .
12 Plans had to be put on hold when the Royal National Theatre decided to stage The Miser in London but the actor was keen enough on the project to commit himself to the project months ahead and risk turning down more lucrative work .
13 The message of the entire plan had to be put across :
14 Barriers had to be put around their pictures when they exhibited at the Royal Academy to protect them from the crowds of ardent devotees ; reproductions of their works were sold in their tens of thousands .
15 Two days earlier his puissance horse , Leonardo , had cracked a bone in his off-fore fetlock which had to be put in plaster .
16 The Iranians had to keep their part of the various bargains , and both sides had to keep to punishingly complicated timetables ; after everything possible had been organized , the rest had to be put in God 's hands .
17 Mrs Castle 's contribution to this cornucopia of political wisdom and strategic insight was that policies had to be put in their philosophical context to win consent .
18 Wales manager Robert Norster revealed : ‘ Tony has suffered with the problem for quite a while , and the doctor said it had to be put in plaster . ’
19 Each category had to be put in a different container and taken to a collection centre .
20 The water had to be put in immediately to correspond to the sky above it .
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