Example sentences of "had [be] [vb pp] [prep] order " in BNC.

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1 James Graham 's solution was to suggest that the Duke of Montrose dismiss William Weir , but that was easier said than done , for Weir had been appointed in order to oblige one of Montrose 's friends , and James Graham had not made a solution any easier to obtain by promising his substitute that Woodrop should have the appointment of procurator-fiscal to give as he chose .
2 Dugan suggested that the military had concluded that air power was the only way of forcing Iraq out of Kuwait if war broke out , and that a massive bombing campaign had been planned in order to " decapitate " the Iraqi leadership by targeting Saddam , his family and his senior commanders .
3 McCann refused to be nominated ; he took the quite accurate view that the meeting had been called in order to incorporate the militants , attach the lustre of their achievements to a new , more moderate group of leaders and thus deny them any significant influence .
4 The meeting had been called in order to clarify the situation on funding for Egypt 's IMF-inspired economic reform programme and followed the concessions announced in May by members of the " Paris Club " of creditor countries ( in many cases the same countries as were involved in the World Bank announcement ) .
5 The wartime machinery of industrial relations still survived — particularly the Whitley Councils which had been formed in order to bring employers and employees together in an attempt to resolve differences without industrial conflict .
6 Directions had been given in order to enable a speedy hearing of the merits of the substantive applications .
7 The support manoeuvre had been undertaken in order to outbid an existing takeover offer for Distillers from the Argyll supermarket group ; in April 1986 a majority of Distillers ' shareholders voted to accept the Guinness bid , then valued at £2,700 million ( US$5,180 million ) , and the merger of Guinness and Distillers was duly completed after clearance from the Office of Fair Trading .
8 Rather it had been assumed in order that those phenomena could become intelligible to the mind .
9 This new use meant a severe criticism of the earlier knowledge , since Marx believed that the studies he was using had originally been made for exactly the opposite purpose to his ; they had been made in order to justify the oppression which Marx say as the core of the capitalist system .
10 The Duke , realizing that the introduction had been made in order to give the adulterous liaison the appearance of his approval , icily turned away without another word .
11 The government stated that the decision had been made in order to prevent the spiral of drug-related violence which had eventually persuaded the Colombian government to end extradition [ see pp. 37772 ; 37851 ; 38332 ] .
12 The car had been moved in order to let the traffic get through .
13 Marx argues in many places , but most clearly in the Preface to the Critique of Political Economy , that the source of the destruction of the capitalist system would come from the fact that the social system which itself had been created in order to work the factories and markets of capitalism would become increasingly incompatible with the technological requirements of these factories and markets , and that ultimately this incompatibility would lead to revolution .
14 It seemed rather an historic moment , but I put the thought aside ; one must not get sentimental , and everything had been done properly , had been left in order and as it should be .
15 Although it was officially denied , commentators suggested that the decision had been taken in order to settle the lingering controversy surrounding the referendum of 1946 , widely believed to have been rigged by the communists , whereby the monarchy had been abolished .
16 Notwithstanding Roh 's efforts at damage limitation , however , the opposition attempted to exploit the government 's vulnerability by suggesting that a cover-up had been perpetrated in order to minimize the government 's involvement in the Suso scandal .
17 At the outbreak of war , the casual wards had been closed by order of the Ministry of Health , and the master reported to the committee that on August 31st 1939 , he had received instructions from the medical officer of health to evacuate , 116 patients and children to other institutions within the county to accommodate the patients evacuated from London hospitals .
18 The press and public were excluded from the hearing , although Greene had given earlier assurances that the tape would be released after it had been edited in order to excise any classified information which might be disclosed inadvertently .
19 Instead , bloated catalogues bulged with inferior stock and works which properly belonged in the routine day sales and had been promoted in order to provide ballast for the smarter evening sessions .
20 From there we had to shuffle down the underground to Davenports Magic Shop , where Paul had been lured in order to buy an ancient Chinese trick , hence the coolie gear .
21 He emphasised the fact that , under the Single European Act , some majority voting had been introduced in order to ensure that the single market worked effectively , but that he was very critical of the case being proposed for further extensions of competence , for example in the social field .
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