Example sentences of "who have yet [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The pedals , too , seem to have been located by someone who has yet to discover the science of ergonomics .
2 Victorians , who had yet to discover the stiff upper lip and the view that religion had always to be a serious matter , were passionate people who expressed their feelings freely and often loudly .
3 For those who have yet to take the plunge I hope the following will act as a series of checkpoints that you can apply to your own , unique situation .
4 That 's about the going rate for the pros who have yet to crack the top-25 on the money list , wherein lies what is known in these parts as " the long green " ( and we mean the colour of dollar bills , not a snake of a putting surface ) .
5 Their thoughts and comments are accompanied by the author 's intelligent and knowledgeable text , which will prove extremely valuable to both the newcomer to pastels , and to more experienced artists who have yet to discover the full potential of the medium .
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