Example sentences of "her mother 's [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Then came the longing for her mother 's warmth and comfort .
2 She sat on her mother 's bed and studied her own distant and alien face .
3 From the time she rose in the morning until she mounted the stairs to go to bed , she was at her mother 's beck and call .
4 She stood staring down at the fresh earth of the new grave , at the wooden cross bearing her mother 's name and she could not believe that this nightmare was real .
5 ‘ Well , tell me ’ — her mother 's voice and manner reverted to normal — ‘ what then is going to happen to her ? ’
6 But as they continued down the hill to Dingle and along the road that curved round the harbour to Ballingolin , she was even more bewildered to hear him reciting family history to her — history she had taken in with her mother 's milk and knew by heart .
7 Bridesmaid Katie wore a replica on her mother 's dress and niece Emma wore a variation in the same blush colour .
8 Once at Norfolk House , she would consult her mother 's wishes as to her future movements .
9 Though in the old days it had been she who had braved her mother 's disapprobation and slipped out to enjoy herself , while her sister stuck grimly to her books and her duty and her long-term plans .
10 Laura remains the victim of her mother 's shortcomings but Tom escapes Amanda 's clutches and the spiritual impoverishment of low-income urban American life to become a poet and to sublimate his sister 's suffering and enshrine her fragility in his writings .
11 She could never go anywhere without her mother 's permission and prior vetting of her escort .
12 As she prayed , Nicandra squinted through her fingers to watch the exquisite bread and butter swallowed and followed by gentle sips of tea on her mother 's part and grosser gulps from her father 's side of the bed .
13 Brenda 's cheeks still burned with shame when she remembered her mother 's insistence that she should visit Hoggatt 's to see where her daughter was going to work , although Chief Inspector Martin , the Senior Police Liaison Officer , had apparently thought it perfectly reasonable .
14 She felt her mother 's presence before she turned and faced her , her little grubby hands clenching and unclenching with nerves .
15 And then , since her father 's fatal heart attack eighteen months ago , no sooner had she slowly started to come to terms with his loss , to face the grief and despair at the thought of never seeing him again , than her mother 's letters and telephone calls had begun to fill her with stunned horror .
16 At first it had been merely a matter of borrowing her mother 's scarves and veils , draping these around herself or twisting them into turbans and sashes .
17 They would all be returning to town in the autumn to meet some sons of good families in Riba ; she 'd been saving for years , money from the pigeons , money from the cheeses , the almonds , her mother 's money when she died — may she rest in peace and perpetual light shine on her — she 'd hidden it from that villainous landlord who 'd strip everyone of their surplus if he knew how much they 'd hoarded , but they 'd never find out , the folk were far too tight to let anyone know , and he , Davide , must not breathe a word .
18 Alexandra , dawdling along the gallery that led to the sitting-room , could hear the drag and gasp of her mother 's ascent and put her fingers in her ears .
19 As a result she developed a ‘ repulsion ’ to men and to her mother 's creed that ‘ a bad husband is better than none ’ .
20 That day she had wandered off between leaving her mother 's kitchen and arriving in her grandmother 's sitting-room .
21 And above all she had her mother 's pride and hardness .
22 Strolling quietly together down the gravel paths of the old-fashioned Elizabethan knot garden , which was her mother 's pride and joy , Laura found the evening taking on a completely different complexion .
23 He also visited Lurgan and the late Mrs Sleator once related how , as a very small girl in Lurgan on that day in 1902 , she disregarded her mother 's instructions that she was not to leave home ( ‘ I am still obstinate ! ’ she confided ) , went to the Town Hall where the General was speaking and saw him there .
24 Celia buried her little head in her mother 's shoulder as Nessie joined Nellie .
25 Because she was staying at home with her father Eva had the task of sorting out her mother 's possessions and sharing them with the family .
26 They were both slightly embarrassed at how they had clung to each other when the thunder crashed and how the daughter had nestled in , practically under , her mother 's nightgown when the sheeting rain slashed down around them , beating on the windows , just as when she was a little girl .
27 She also realised that she had an advantage over her mother 's generation because she had worked , and was more inclined to go out and do things in her retirement .
28 ‘ Dratted animal ! ’ muttered Araminta over her mother 's imprecations and Hector 's excited barks , giving him a baleful glare .
29 He explained that O'Neill 's daughter , who was with her , had observed something interesting in her mother 's stars and she had passed the magazine over to her .
30 Phoebe was suddenly grateful for her mother 's calm and decision ; if anyone could get rid of the London fire brigade it would be Rachel .
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