Example sentences of "her hand [conj] [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 It was an old number , fast and furious , and he held her hand and twirled her around , pulling her in close , propelling her away , looking relaxed and so unlike the Luke Denner that she had come to love to hate that she wondered if she was n't hallucinating .
2 That ominous expression of sympathy from pebbled-glassed Jules , who took her hand and asked her meaningfully how she was ?
3 He took her hand and led her up the steps .
4 He made no response , but just took her hand and led her towards the stable-block .
5 He took her hand and led her to the open-air dance-floor just as the band slipped into the first of their slow numbers .
6 He took her hand and led her out of the café .
7 Alexander took her hand and led her to the door that led out on to the path that wound down towards the beach .
8 I took her hand and led her into the centre of the dancers , as the light failed over Wimbledon .
9 Her eyes were only very slightly glazed as Fernando Serra tightened his grip on her hand and led her out of the Guadalquivir suite .
10 He took her hand and led her into the atrium , where she turned and went into his arms .
11 Baptiste took her hand and tugged her after him .
12 I released her hand and grasped her firmly by the buttocks , small but ripe .
13 He grabbed her hand and hurried her after the group who were moving down to take their seats beside the long deep Lago Martel .
14 And slowly he took her hand and drew her to the window and there , pointing , said , ‘ Look at that !
15 Smiling , he took her hand and drew her to her feet .
16 Harry grabbed her hand and jerked her back into his arms .
17 ’ He clasped her hand and pulled her to his car .
18 Artemis , down on her knees , just turned round and stared for a moment , before Rosie took her hand and pulled her to her feet .
19 Patrick grasped her hand and pulled her to him .
20 His hands dropped from her shoulders , and he did not speak , merely took her hand and pulled her after him , striding back up the path at a rapid pace so that she was hard pressed to keep up .
21 She almost wept with relief as his strong fingers closed round her hand and guided her to the safety of a broad platform of stone , where at last it was possible to stand upright .
22 He held her hand and soothed her , but she was fretful and kept repeating herself .
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