Example sentences of "who [verb] ever [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who has ever participated in a voluntary organisation , youth work or parents ' association will know what a central place is taken by jumble sales and selling raffle tickets ( see Table 9.1 ) .
2 Anyone who has ever suffered at the hands of military pomposity will relish the story of General Patton inspecting a hospital in France and screaming abuse at a man for not coming to attention in his presence , only to be told ‘ Run along , asshole .
3 In one such performance , James Luna promises to combine ‘ Indian mythology , Christian evangelism , and psychoanalysis to create a double-edged interpretation that has ‘ something for everyone who has ever believed in the romantic vision of the American Indian and bought into the guilt-complex of American history ’ ’ ’ .
4 This sort of plot is , in a way , the ultimate temptation to any writer who has ever toyed with producing detective fiction .
5 As almost every woman who has ever complained about jokes against women has been told , ‘ Where 's your sense of humour ? ’
6 Anyone who has ever sailed with Phil Andrews will agree that there is never a dull moment or lack of sea time , and my time with him on Valiant was certainly full of those ingredients .
7 Yet outside the computing industry who has ever heard of Intel ?
8 Anyone who has ever played with a gyroscope will know that the object displays a distinct aversion to being turned upside-down ; in many ways the spinning Earth can be viewed as a sort of super-heavy gyroscope .
9 Includes every cricketer who has ever played in a first class match in the British Isles .
10 What 's more , as anyone who has ever flicked through the ‘ Readers ' Wives ’ sections of porno mags will know , pseudo-whorish underwear is as ugly as hell .
11 Apparently from the notes , a certain Fruchtbaum in the Times Literary Supplement has described Charles on setting out on the Beagle voyage in such terms , which is certainly an exaggeration , but I do not know anyone else who has ever subscribed to that opinion .
12 That I am jealous of every woman who has ever slept with him .
13 ANY Scot who has ever sat in a drafty hall , feeling a mounting sense of doom while staring blankly at an exam paper has probably cursed Edinburgh-based Pillans & Wilson for collaborating in their misery by printing the question papers .
14 It was a stylistic departure for Chloe but not one at odds with the image of the house or , more importantly , its feminine , peach-packaged floral fragrance familiar to every woman who has ever passed through a department store perfumery .
15 It never forgets a grudge against a player who has ever defected against it , even once .
16 Anyone who has ever driven in Japan knows that the country has no modern highway system .
17 In addition to what Nicholas er recounted about my brother , I believe that I am the only minister in the government , possibly the only member of parliament who has ever worked for the Save The Children Fund .
18 I benefitted amazingly from the experience and I think almost anybody who has ever worked with Lindsay has benefitted from the experience .
19 I care about you , about Susan , about everyone who has ever worked at that factory .
20 As anyone who has ever worked in 32 Smith Square knows , a winning campaign is a good campaign , a losing campaign , however slick , is a bad campaign .
21 Anybody who has ever looked at sections of a rat 's brain and then at sections of a monkey 's brain will tell you that they look completely different .
22 No one who had ever stood on the edge of that abyss where she had been teetering for so long , that held hunger and cold , sickness that could not be treated for lack of a shilling , children one could afford neither to raise nor to bury , would have a harsh word to say .
23 No one who had ever struggled in the mire as she had , could fail to understand .
24 Mary was the only one of them , as far as he knew , who had ever walked to the village and walked about in the village when she got there .
25 Any people who have ever suffered from itches that they can not scratch will sympathize with the dilemma of the de-clawed cat .
26 Just the statutory plug for tomorrow 's show — and it 's calling all those amongst you who have ever tangled with the plastic interlocking brick and failed to construct anything — yes , Katie 's off to Legoland in Denmark .
27 ‘ Of all the people who have ever worked in the centre , she is most punctual and very reliable .
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