Example sentences of "as a young man he " in BNC.

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1 Lord Joseph has been interested in the causes of poverty for a long time : as a young man he joined the Howard League for Penal Reform as well as a Quaker group which busied itself about improving the social conditions of the poor .
2 As a young man he had been pursued by many women ; that he secretly despised them did not lessen his attractiveness but in later years his large family and increasing years had hung about him with a weight as great as any deformity : but he would never risk exposing himself as Rose had .
3 As a young man he had walked past the University to light his lamps , but the Old College had gone , removed to the rural splendour of Gilmorehill in the 1860s .
4 As a young man he had a prophetic revelation that led him to preach a new faith in place of the prevailing polytheism .
5 Uncle George showed me his collection of Preston North End memorabilia , dating from the period 1888 to 1902 , when as a young man he had been a staunch supporter of ‘ The Invincibles ’ who won both The Football Association Cup and Division I of The Football League in the same season .
6 As a young man he stoutly said ‘ nonsense ’ to himself .
7 As a young man he was cursed with a dreadful stammer , and to help combat it he became a club singer , not easy under the best of circumstances .
8 Later , ashamed , Two-Dogs would picket screenings of the films he had appeared in , although he admitted in private that many times as a young man he had eaten well at a movie commissary when he would otherwise have starved .
9 He told us that as a young man he had joined the Fire Service in which his father was a Lieutenant , and the first fire he had attended was this crash .
10 He was sixty-four now , but as a young man he had been in the army and seen action on the North-West Frontier .
11 As a young man he earned a living from conventional poster design .
12 John Williams who became a colliery manager in 1934 , and later manager of the Banwen colliery under the National Coal Board , described how as a young man he had an early glimpse of one kind of persuasion :
13 As a young man he had had a strong desire to visit the United States and decided to go there for a holiday , but as the liner approached New York , he dreamed that his mother ( to whom he was not particularly strongly attached ) was lonely and missed him , and this dream made him terribly homesick .
14 As a young man he was employed in a draper 's shop and as a chemist 's assistant ; he then emigrated to South Africa , where he worked as an assayer in Johannesburg .
15 From an early age Gimson 's interest in buildings was obsessive ; as a young man he was quoted as saying ‘ I am thinking of architecture all the time I am awake . ’
16 Schnadhorst was brought up as a Nonconformist and as a young man he acted as secretary to the Revd R. W. Dale [ q.v. ] , the pastor of Carr 's Lane Congregational church .
17 As a young man he served as a clerk to Robert Corbett , of Stanwardine , custos rotulorum of Shropshire and MP in 1654–5 .
18 As a young man he found ungainful but instructive employment as assistant private secretary at the Colonial Office ( 1892–5 ) .
19 As a young man he made friends effortlessly , but after his conversion he withheld proffers of easy affection , as if afraid of rebuff .
20 As a young man he was a charming and lively companion , and it was said of him that ‘ a person more invariably gentle , kind , considerate and affectionate , did not exist . ’
21 As a young man he emigrated to England but did not become a British citizen until 1918 , though he served in the War Office Intelligence Department during World War I.
22 As a young man he moved to Geneva , where he was first an apprentice and then ‘ maître ’ bijoutier .
23 As a young man he had worked for GenSyn as a commodity slave , his time and talents bought by them on a fifteen-year contract .
24 However early in the novel he has an experience which makes him aware of a significantly different kind of memory , and this is of course the famous incident in which as a young man he dips a small cake , a madeleine , into a cup of tea .
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