Example sentences of "as a [noun sg] of police " in BNC.

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1 Dalgliesh thought of him as a type of police officer less common than formerly but still not rare ; the conscientious and incorruptible detective of limited imagination and somewhat greater intelligence who had never supposed that the evil of the world should be condoned because it was frequently inexplicable and its perpetrators unfortunate .
2 As a matter of police routine a report will be sent to the Director of Public Prosecution .
3 As a matter of police practice , firearms practice what would you say about a police officer who stuck the gun at any at the back of someone 's neck ?
4 But when I am kicked in the groin in my father 's house , when I am taunted and called ‘ nigger ’ and ‘ black bastard ’ , when I am arrested as a result of police harassment , at those times I am ashamed to be British .
5 The emergency ward was over-flowing with casualties , mostly as a result of police assault .
6 As a number of police cars chased the refuse truck , the man again fired on Police officers .
7 This symbolic import of bodily hair in a novel about Los Angeles policemen is mirrored in the Force Orders of most British police forces and is part of an overarching use of bodily order and control as a marker of police purity .
8 Following revelations in the Observer , ( Nick Davies ' ‘ Crime , the great cop out ’ , 13.7.86 , p.1 ) and ‘ More policemen confirm crime figures scandal ’ ( Observer 20.7.86 , p.6 ) , which suggested that the clear-up rate , in Kent and elsewhere was inaccurate and sometimes fabricated , Gill ( 1987 ) challenged the use of the clear-up rate as an assessment of police effectiveness .
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