Example sentences of "as [art] reason for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is the moment when bad theology enters , not — notice this carefully — as a reason for doubt but as a rationale for the doubting which has already been going on .
2 When the motivation of younger constables leads to offences being treated seriously , older or more dominant constables often use the celebration as a reason for discretion , especially in relation to drink-related offences .
3 Naturally , some of these indications are quite likely to be related to problems other than faulty vision , but since sight problems may be causing them , a screening test which is , after all , quick and easy to perform should help to confirm or rule out defective vision as a reason for concern .
4 More importantly , but in a not altogether dissimilar way , in the lower and middle ranks of diplomacy at least seniority gained ground as a reason for promotion at the expense of nepotism and favouritism .
5 It turns on the general relation between the justification for a binding directive and its status as a reason for action , and more generally on the relation between rules as reasons for action and their justification .
6 In any case in which one penetrates beyond the directives or the rules to their underlying justifications one has to discount the independent weight of the rule or the directive as a reason for action .
7 I put this down as a reason for brother Carl 's behaviour and shortcomings ; his tantrums , his many displays of neurosis , his lack of tolerance with others , and his need for understanding — which we , his brothers and sisters , failed to give .
8 A survey by the author of 100 district and county planning authorities showed that of the 76 district planning authorities which responded to the survey , 26 of them refused planning permission for the type of development mentioned in ( a ) above , stating odour emission as a reason for refusal .
9 Although rarely stated by ministers as a reason for privatization , the funds could be used to finance tax cuts and/or current spending .
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