Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] regarded [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Prior to requesting the client to sign such a letter , the firm must be satisfied that the client can properly be regarded as a corporate finance client and place a note on file to this effect ( which is to say that there are no grounds for believing that it would be more appropriate to treat the client as a normal investment business client ) .
2 3 Whether the employer impressed on the employee the confidentiality of the information Thus , though an employer can not prevent the use or disclosure merely by telling the employee that certain information is confidential , the attitude of the employer towards the information provides evidence that may assist in determining whether or not the information can properly be regarded as a business secret .
3 Proof-pulling for instance can perhaps be regarded as a mixed process , requiring both strength and skill .
4 The other is that the English landscape has never been static but has always been changing , for better or worse Today we are passing through a period which can perhaps be regarded as a disaster .
5 For public transport flights it is a very small risk indeed , but it can only be regarded as a prudent action to take out personal life insurance before one voluntarily exposes oneself to the hazards of flight .
6 In what can only be regarded as the ultimate pilot 's ‘ Jim 'll fix it ’ fantasy come true , he persuaded the RAF to let him go through key parts of the four-year course that ends with a posting to an operational fighter squadron .
7 Not surprisingly therefore , the results of the 1983 survey show that mass unemployment ‘ has created a serious new risk of what can only be regarded as downward social mobility — and that risk is much greater for men in working class positions , by whatever route they come into them , than it is for others ’ ( p. 17 ) .
8 By strict standards , therefore , the memoirs must contain much that can only be regarded as fiction .
9 While most students not in receipt of a job offer were making applications and attending interviews at the time they completed the Initial destinations questionnaires , the fact that one third of students would be looking for employment at the end of the courses can only be regarded as a disappointing , and rather unexpected , finding .
10 I have come to the conclusion that the important points here are that ( i ) since there was no danger at this time in registering a protest , ( ii ) the final payments were made without any qualification , and ( iii ) were followed by a delay until July 31 , 1975 , before the owners put forward their claim , the correct inference to draw , taking an objective view of the facts , is that the action and inaction of the owners can only be regarded as an affirmation of the variation in June , 1973 , of the terms of the original contract by the agreement to pay the additional 10 per cent .
11 To present such fantasy in your article as though it were fact is unworthy of your newspaper and can only be regarded as malicious mischief-making .
12 Weber can thus be regarded as the founder of abstract field theory .
13 A fire , caused by a bolt of lightning at York Minster , can still be regarded as evidence of divine wrath at the appointment of a contentious bishop .
14 Both these products are made on a large scale and can still be regarded as commodities .
15 Furthermore , since the board is dominated by the most senior representatives of management ( this term will be used , except where the context requires otherwise , to refer to the executive directors and senior managers ) it can hardly be regarded as a body providing independent supervision of management on the shareholders ' behalf .
16 If , for example , a man threatens to kill a third party who is a complete stranger to the complainant , her submission to sexual intercourse in these circumstances can hardly be regarded as true consent .
17 The Treaty on European Union can honestly be regarded as an attempt to respond , in the medium- and long-term , to the economic and political imperatives of Europe in the 1990s and beyond .
18 Tyrothricin can reasonably be regarded as the first antibiotic to be established as a therapeutic substance .
19 So the reversal of the transaction can reasonably be regarded as a step to remedy the contravention .
20 So although considerable differences remain between the Petralona and Steinheim crania in features such as vault thickness and occipital form , it seems feasible that they can both be regarded as extension of the variation shown in the early Neanderthal population(s) sampled at Atapuerca .
21 We shall see that this concentration of productive wealth creates a propertied upper class , which can also be regarded as an economically dominant class .
22 The dolphin can also be regarded as a symbol of rebirth into the after life , as it reflects the journey of the soul across the ocean .
23 A collection of TEI headers can also be regarded as a distinct document , and an auxiliary dtd is provided to support interchange of headers alone , for example between libraries or archives .
24 However where the restraint of trade doctrine applies , for example in contracts of employment , a confidentiality obligation will only be enforced if the information in question can fairly be regarded as a separate part of the employee 's stock of knowledge which a man of ordinary honesty and intelligence would recognise to be the property of his employer and not his own to do what he likes with .
25 A general principle in the employment field was laid down in Printers and Finishers Ltd v Holloway [ 1964 ] 3 All ER 731 where Cross J said that employees are prohibited from using information which " can fairly be regarded as a separate part of the employee 's stock of knowledge which a man of ordinary honesty and intelligence would recognise to be the property of his old employer and not his own to do as he likes with " .
26 The question is whether this can really be regarded as a solution to the problem of the relativity of truth .
27 As mentioned earlier a routine can often be regarded as a written task description .
28 Far from being a ‘ disease of the mind ’ , as was once supposed , schizophrenia can now be regarded as an ‘ organic ’ disorder similar in many respects to Parkinson 's and Alzheimer 's diseases , in which pathological changes and abnormalities are more easily identifiable .
29 Their efficiency and reliability have also increased , to the extent that they can now be regarded as a primary recharging source for a yacht 's batteries alongside the engine alternator or the petrol generator .
30 Narrative , which at the level of narration is most threatened by referential interpretations , can now be regarded as a self-contained system with its own internal rules governing every aspect of its operation ; the signs of the narrator are embedded in the narrative , hence perfectly detectable by a semiological analysis .
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