Example sentences of "what [be] thought to be " in BNC.

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1 The stones consist of a pair of burr stones for corn grinding and a set of what are thought to be Peak stones used for animal feed .
2 The chemical scheme combines what are thought to be the most important O x , NO x , HO x , ClO x , BrO x , CHO x and SO x ( ref. 17 ) reactions with the recommended kinetic data .
3 The word ‘ model ’ implies a physical description that does not attempt to be complete or accurate in detail but that encapsulates what are thought to be the central features of the phenomenon .
4 The use of files imposed limitations on the types of valid and reliable data that could be obtained ; data analysed represented a compromise between these limitations and what were thought to be useful indicators of the manner or style of assessment and service delivery .
5 Just a few hundred yards from West Mercia police HQ in Worcester and the first of what 's thought to be 28,000 drivers in this area with no tax disc , is pulled in .
6 Eighty two staff at the Sainsbury 's supermarket on Tewkesbury Road in Cheltenham have contracted what 's thought to be a virus infection that causes fever , aches and vomiting.They 've all been sent home , and staff from other stores have been drafted in to keep the supermarket open.Tests are being carried out at the public health laboratory in the town to identify the illness.But Cheltenham 's Assistant Chief Environmental health officer says shoppers at the store should n't be worried about the outbreak :
7 A former Ministry of Defence worker , has been found guilty of accepting one and a half million pounds in backhanders from arms companies , in what 's thought to be the biggest ever corruption case .
8 The mill occupies what is thought to be a Domesday site ; however , the present building dates partially from 1655 , when it was rebuilt .
9 Even the Member of Parliament , Jim Wallace , has been unable to obtain a copy of what is thought to be a damning indictment of Orkney Islands Council Social Work Department .
10 Shortly before the joint statement was issued , Coopers & Lybrand became what is thought to be only the second US firm to file a countersuit against a former client .
11 An aviation archaeologist in Normandy has dug up the remains of what is thought to be a Seafire , naval version of the Spitfire fighter , buried some 20 feet deep in a maize field near Rauville-la-Place .
12 In all of these cases special considerations , which I have elaborated , serve to limit what is thought to be appropriate treatment ; but in none of them do we consult the recipient 's point of view , for there is no such view to be had .
13 The triggers for Britain 's nuclear bombs were tested within their thick concrete walls and they housed the first experiments into radar.The buildings , on a remote spit of land on the Suffolk coast , may not be the oldest but they are certainly among the most historic and sinister in the ownership of the National Trust.They are on Orford Ness , a desolate wildlife haven , which has become the Trust 's latest acquisition at a cost of £3.5 million.Yesterday , in pouring rain and silence broken only by the eerie shriek of gulls , the buildings were shown to journalists for what is thought to be the first time since they were erected.Strands of barbed wire and a Ministry of Defence ‘ keep out ’ notice are now the only remaining evidence of the tight security , overseen by armed guards , which surrounded one of Britain 's most secret research establishments .
14 Detectives and uniformed officers went to an address in Victor Road on Friday evening and seized a quantity of what is thought to be cannabis resin .
15 Among the objects to be sold are what is thought to be the only signed painting by Petrus Troueil , the portrait of Sir Francis Ottley and his family ( est. £40–60,000 ) , Sir Joshua Reynolds 's ‘ Admiral Cotes ’ ( est. £15–20,000 ) and other paintings by John Hoppner , James Ward , Michael Dahl and Sir Godfrey Kneller .
16 The matter has a long history and is illustrative of how law can lag behind what is thought to be economically desirable .
17 A useful collection of theorems and proofs is presented at the end of the chapter : among these is what is thought to be a novel proof of Sylvester 's law of degeneracy .
18 What is thought to be ‘ rural ’ has varied enormously .
19 This glut of contracts can also be partly explained by the actions of some banks supporting their national exchanges , and by some governments ' policies through their tax legislation and regulation actions which are aimed at establishing a presence in what is thought to be an essential requirement for each country 's financial centre .
20 ‘ She was approached from behind and hit over the back with what is thought to be a piece of hosepipe , ’ a spokeswoman for Cleveland Police said last night .
21 Including that holding , Owners was last night claiming the support of holders of more than 25 per cent of its shares , while Airtours , despite purchases in the market and the assent of what is thought to be Mercury Asset Management 's 15 per cent stake , claimed control of just 22.8 per cent .
22 He went to see a young clergyman , seized by what was thought to be a dangerous illness :
23 Back with Miss Maine I was shown what was thought to be the trickiest of all the work I must do .
24 As I listened to him fumbling for words of explanation , I wished he could have said boldly that what was thought to be so heinous today was not thought to be so then , but that looking back now , he deeply regretted what had happened .
25 P1344 never made it , being forced down in what was thought to be Finland on the night of the 4th/5th .
26 Pieces were collected and laid out in what was thought to be their correct positions .
27 He was laid low by what was thought to be a stomach bug during the club 's trip to Norway last week .
28 This had happened at what was thought to be the king 's deathbed on 6 March 1093 .
29 In this way , the uncertainty principle allows particles to escape from what was thought to be the ultimate prison , a black hole .
30 The second also reproduces what was thought to be the common law .
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