Example sentences of "what [pron] ought to be " in BNC.

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1 I am not what I ought to be ,
2 That 's what I ought to be doing .
3 a lot about it and sha n't be , frankly I 'm relieved I do n't actually know a lot but when the meeting to discuss what we 're supposed to do is on December tenth yo so I 'm a bit torn cos I in a way that 's what I ought to be doing even though the welfare business in a way that 's wh that 's what I ought to be doing cos it 's entirely .
4 a lot about it and sha n't be , frankly I 'm relieved I do n't actually know a lot but when the meeting to discuss what we 're supposed to do is on December tenth yo so I 'm a bit torn cos I in a way that 's what I ought to be doing even though the welfare business in a way that 's wh that 's what I ought to be doing cos it 's entirely .
5 ‘ Yeah — Mum , I told you , did n't I — ’ Cal suddenly got excited — ‘ it 's because Bina 's not allowing herself to be what she ought to be !
6 What sort of , erm , pressure or involvement or leadership ought to be given , or wh , yeah , what pressure ought to be put on the business sector , in order that it should sort of , conform conform is not a very good word , in order , it 's ability to contribute to the voluntary sector , and engage with it , should not be based upon individual and enlightened examples , such as I B M's , but should pull upwards the rest of the business sector , in other words , should N C V O actually says to the business sector as a whole , look , we think globally this is what you ought to be doing .
7 And the non-practitioners say , look , wait a minute , this is what we ought to be doing .
8 But the sort of criticism that says ‘ if we want to achieve X , I believe we are going the wrong way about it , what we ought to be doing is Y ’ , seems to me to be exactly the approach that is needed .
9 With that as the background , it is the time for a deep study of the philosophy underlying the system — to determine afresh what we ought to be seeking to achieve , to examine how far and in what manner the results of our present practice fall short , and to sift new ideas in order to judge which of them appear both constructive and practicable in operation .
10 I know what we ought to be looking for — a high , lonely place with dry soil , where rabbits can see and hear all round and men hardly ever come .
11 Instead of thinking that it is natural for a moving object to carry on in a straight line at a steady speed , and then worrying about how the force of gravity manages to pull all objects — heavy ones and light ones — round in the same orbit , what we ought to be doing is thinking of the path they all follow as being the natural path .
12 procedures which are , do n't quite fit you , then I think what we ought to be looking for is a certain amount of common ground between your procedure and our procedure , so there is not something , you 're doing something completely different to the way the rest of us are doing it .
13 No doubt our accepting what we are must always inhibit our being what we ought to be ; for all that , it felt like a step forward — and upward .
14 Er looking at this , if it 's actually a lot more central to what we ought to be doing .
15 Head : ‘ Departmental development , individual development , what we ought to be doing , awareness of your needs , give people new lease of life , new motivation . ’
16 What we ought to be aiming for is more localised revolved estate management .
17 It was a timid first step as to what , compared with what we ought to be doing .
18 And I think they have a tremendous contribution to make , and I think what we ought to be doing with er people who retire , it 's not to say the end of their working life , and therefore they 're on the scrap heap , but that it 's a new stage in life and we ought to honour them and respect them and I think , give them some er affirm where they 're at , and use them much more as the guardians of wisdom and the guardians of the stories of the community , and use them in that sort of way .
19 questions were being raised about what the police were doing , what they ought to be doing and how they ought to be organised and accountable .
20 We wish also to persuade him that once he takes fully into account that his ultimate goals are spontaneous ( are , not ought to be ; what they ought to be is intelligent as well as spontaneous ) , he will require no first principle other than ‘ Be aware ’ for choosing between them .
21 Cost-cutting to us was taking 5% off things that were double what they ought to be .
22 In fact this difference is not usually of much consequence because in both cases the practical strengths are well below what they ought to be .
23 Below the surface there lies , for many teachers , a nagging sense of doubt and confusion about what they are doing , what they ought to be doing and what they are doing it for .
24 It has been generalist rather than specific , its programme being based upon each child 's interests and abilities ( rather than upon an external authority 's projection of what they ought to be ) .
25 Still hammering away , the Institute has the satisfaction of knowing that it has at last brought home to the Ministry of Health , within whose purview this question comes , that things are not what they ought to be , and Dr Eichholz , who has just retired from the Chief Inspectorate of Special Schools , is at its request making a special enquiry .
26 When we are told there is a shortage of floppy disks , what they ought to be doing is sending out working printing saving and using versions of their programs that we can load 10–20 times then said software will commit Hari Kari .
27 Is he aware that that has not been the case in large parts of the national health service , where food , cleaning and laundry services have been put out to competitive tender , and where , as a result , standards have often fallen far short of what they ought to be ?
28 ‘ It is , of course , precisely what he ought to be seeing , ’ he agreed , reluctantly .
29 Mr Ford has shown an absence of leadership and an absence of grasp of what this country is and what it ought to be . ’
30 To say what it ought to be would be to express attitudes of his own , which he does not regard as the task of the kind of philosopher like himself who is , in his professional work , trying to understand ethical discussion rather than to participate in it .
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