Example sentences of "would like to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps , somewhere along the line , I have misunderstood this situation and I would like to be enlightened .
2 I would like to be marching with them .
3 Feminist Book Fortnight 1991 would like to inform readers that the FBF list of authors who have indicated that they would like to be involved can be obtained asap from the telephone number below .
4 So much to that I made it clear to my club that I would like to be selected as a tighthead ’ .
5 ‘ Of course , I would like to be asked to fight a marginal one day , but it would have to be local .
6 Those are the questions that we would like to be asked .
7 Maintaining contact with all Medau teachers , especially those in isolated areas , is my particular concern and I shall be happy to visit any area or negotiate on behalf of any teacher if you request it and I would like to be invited to area teachers ' meetings .
8 At one stage , Labour sheds crocodile tears for the decline in the merchant fleet , yet in the next breath , it says how much more regulation it would like to be applied to the merchant fleet .
9 More management training was the area most commonly specified as the way in which programmes would like to be developed , less so by smaller libraries , who were more likely to indicate an undifferentiated need for ‘ more ’ training of any type .
10 ‘ Why , treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself . ’
11 I like to treat people as I would like to be treated by them , as a citizen . ’
12 We have expressed our wish to the council that we would like to be consulted over the detailed implementation of the conditions and sincerely hope that we will be allowed to play a constructive part in this process .
13 In the rickshaw on the way back from that morning 's tolly I asked Vimla whether she would like to be reborn as a hijra in her next life .
14 A classic example of this is the need some elderly people have to talk about death — often their own death in particular , even to the point of wanting to discuss very freely the kind of arrangements they would like to be made for their funeral : how it should be conducted , what hymns should be chosen , and who should be invited to it and to the family gathering afterwards .
15 Leading journalists covering the particular sport were invited to attend the lunch and to give their views on how the sponsorship could best benefit the sport and on how they would like to be kept in the picture .
16 Some chairmen of select committees were critical of some aspects of their coverage , mainly because they would like to be covered even more , but most chairmen expressed their satisfaction with the way in which the work of select committees had been portrayed on television during the experiment .
17 The bedroom can be a retreat but it can also be a bitter reminder of the comfort you would like to be getting from your partner .
18 Appendix A reports a European Councillor of Directive , ninety-three stroke one-oh-four stroke E C. Which erm , is being challenged , or would like to be challenged by the U K including European Court of Justice erm , and that will be heard in the timescale that these things take place .
19 This is a genuine project and one that I would like to be completed before the end of the summer .
20 If you would like to be seen in a classic yacht , then contact Lake Marine , who operate their unique fleet of wooden Redwing racing keelboats from Poole .
21 So and , and I think maybe it 's a good idea that we write and say that we would like to be given an opportunity to speak to them .
22 Lindsey used Bravo Golf from the time of its purchase in 1967 until 1973 as the family transport , that was until he had a visit from the Airshow Coordinator at RAF Finningley in 1973 who asked him if he would like to be shot down by a Spitfire and Hurricane at the Battle of Britain airshow that year !
23 But there were a few , and Mr Frohnmayer would like to be counted among them .
24 Of Nick , because she would like to be sitting there , she was n't too big .
25 Head of Department : ‘ In 1976 I had a clear idea where I would like to be going :
26 Elsewhere , the close-up , detailed approach which works brilliantly , say , for Imogen Stubbs 's affecting Desdemona ( the pathos of her disoriented , jittery jauntiness intensified by beautiful touches such as the sepia photograph of her estranged father she keeps on the bedside table in Cyprus or the chocolates from Casio that she has secreted in a locked draw , not because she fears sexual misconstruction but because she would like to be thought too grown-up for frivolous sweet-guzzling by Othello ) paradoxically diminishes Iago because it encourages the belief that he can be realistically ‘ explained ’ like a figure in a novel .
27 Glumness apart , he nonetheless would like to be thought of as a comic writer and indeed , though its themes are class , race and sex , what most impresses about The Buddha of Suburbia is that it is full of humour .
28 Bridget Ewing has indicated her willingness to once again stand for re-election ; however if there are any nominations for this position will you please send them in to Hilda at the Office by 2nd April or as time is short and you know of anyone who would like to be proposed — please ring Hilda with her name BUT this must be followed up with written confirmation .
29 ‘ I would like to be directed to an hotel , place of repose , tavern , a- ’
30 if you are a new mum who would like to be put in touch with another mum or feel you can offer some support 'phone me on
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