Example sentences of "would certainly not have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It might not have prevented her feelings for him from developing as they had , but it would certainly not have caused a change in the atmosphere in this place , and he might have remained livable with .
2 The House of Lords would certainly not have survived had it not been reformed by Harold Macmillan 's Life Peerages Act of 1958 .
3 Abraham 's previous experience of God would certainly not have led him to suppose child-sacrifice would please him .
4 While manufacturers go to great lengths to produce the many excellent ‘ artificial ’ diets without which the fishkeeping hobby would certainly not have developed to today 's high standards , it is up to the fishkeeper to look more closely at the food requirements of his fish and provide what is necessary .
5 British freestyle would certainly not have developed its strong backbone without their commitment .
6 In his view this figure is comparable with that in other countries , but until recently men with such problems would not have admitted the fact , and would certainly not have sought treatment .
7 The opportunity to discuss problems with members of other district societies was a great assistance to me in leading the various debates of the Southern Society during my presidential year and would certainly not have arisen without the opportunity to travel .
8 But 12-year-old girls would certainly not have possessed the physical strength for such a form of attack , and although the rubric of ‘ garotting ’ was used universally to encompass these crimes , most of the cases reported in the newspapers seemed to describe fairly straightforward street robberies — sometimes using a variety of coshes , knuckle-dusters , ‘ Indian claw ’ devices and other forms of life-preserver — or what we would now call ‘ muggings ’ .
9 It would certainly not have given him access to the kind of personalized data about effective relationships which her oral history interviews unearthed .
10 Although politicians at the time would certainly not have viewed it in the same light , with the benefit of hindsight , we can claim that , as both of the main political parties broadly supported Keynesian economics and the existence of the mixed economy , the differences between them were , in today 's terms , relatively small .
11 And although they shared I.A. Richards 's impatience with the existing chaos of critical theories , and his desire for some scientific order in the study of literature , they would certainly not have endorsed his view that literary theory should be concerned with experience or with value ; nor would they have approved of his recourse to neuro-physiology or psychology as a means of making literary criticism more scientific .
12 The Colonel was used to acting in loco parentis and would certainly not have responded as warmly as he had done to Miss Danziger 's maturity had he not discerned in it a vulnerability : something he could defend .
13 If he had won , he would certainly not have snubbed the Oscar-night celebrations as did that year 's recipient of the Best Actor Award , George C. Scott , for Patton .
14 Though she had foreseen the need for such a private moment Louisa would certainly not have chosen it to occur so quickly .
15 He would certainly not have approved of being singled out for special treatment .
16 First , the show had cost a fortune to put on — the costumes , scenery and music alone had swallowed 3,000 , a huge sum in those days , so the management would certainly not have welcomed laying out yet more money on a whole new scene for a revival whose aim was to recoup losses .
17 The couple were not going to the palace of Saint Cloud , which would certainly not have provided an intimate setting for a honeymoon , but to a small house at Villeneuve l'Etang , which the Emperor had purchased himself .
18 Had they returned the Americans would certainly not have expected another raid and victory would have been assured for the Japanese .
19 In the normal run of things , had a verbal warning been necessary — which it certainly was n't — then it was without question that Naylor Massingham would certainly not have wasted his precious time on such trips , but would have delegated one of his underlings to do it .
20 And I still feel that you 're to blame for this : if you had been a wife to him he would certainly not have had to seek comfort elsewhere .
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