Example sentences of "would [adv] certainly [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Poor Blair would then feel guilty , having missed a fish that Father would most certainly have landed .
2 ‘ We would most certainly have noticed .
3 In presenting it that night , Robert Naish would most certainly have expected it to be rejected by the weight of bondholders already known to oppose redemption .
4 It was too weak to support one , and in any case Britain would almost certainly refuse to commit itself to anything that smacked of supranationalism .
5 Tim would almost certainly deny having been on board and there was already no one to corroborate her story about the disturbance in the lounge .
6 One baulked by the House of Lords would have to accept that , but would almost certainly determine to exact a price at the next opportunity .
7 2.42 As regards the savings that would have been made by the deceased , Lord Reid thought that the widow and daughter would have had an interest in any capital that the deceased might have accumulated before his death , but he concluded that the widow might have died before her husband whereas the daughter would almost certainly have survived him .
8 Meanwhile , the two promised divisions , which , had they been available at the right moment , would almost certainly have presented Verdun to the Germans , were still firmly held at Metz , two day 's march away .
9 Such women would almost certainly have evaded recording in any listing of " occupations " .
10 As suggested in his recent editorial by Ken Ellis of FlyPast , the huge amount of public support which has surface this year for the Vulcan and which had Parliament not been in recess would almost certainly have led to ‘ questions in the House ’ , may lead to a revision of the Official View in matters of aviation preservation .
11 A further point which suggests that these provisions , if not actually written in his reign , were in any event written not long after his death is the fact that the medrese attached to the mosque of Bayezid II in Edirne , completed in 893/1488 and of higher rank than the Sahn , would almost certainly have received some mention in any such provisions written subsequent to that date .
12 They would be perhaps regarded as thick as two short planks , er they would not be happy , they would be struggling to do work that was not honestly within their capacities , that being the case , they would almost certainly have to go down from the University .
13 He would almost certainly have felt disgusted and perhaps angry , but would he have felt insulted ?
14 Secondly , it enables us to take account of the knowledge that , as my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State said , had Saddam Hussein not allowed his greed to overcome his stealth by invading Kuwait last year , he would almost certainly have developed a nuclear weapon by the end of 1993 .
15 " She would almost certainly have lost it anyway . "
16 Given a clear run , with plenty of other values , they would almost certainly have played in 3NT , but if an adversary has overcalled in that suit they will be apprehensive of the no-trump game in case there are five immediate losers .
17 Yet even as one half of her mind speculated on its significance , the other half reminded her that if she had stumbled on this odd circumstance , then the police would almost certainly have done so in the course of their routine enquiries and , since Barney was still their prime suspect , found a satisfactory explanation .
18 Observational surveys by Tombaugh , Kowal and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite ( IRAS ) would almost certainly have revealed another Pluto or larger planet , but their failure to do so has not stopped many predictions from being made , including two more in just the past year .
19 A pity because , had he lost that job , the party would almost certainly have split .
20 It may be that he took new insignia after the subjugation of Norway , and that he left his old crown in Winchester , in much the same way that Henry II of Germany had , at his imperial coronation in 1014 , hung his former crown above the altar of St Peter 's , where Cnut would almost certainly have seen it thirteen years later .
21 She would have been held personally responsible and would almost certainly have fallen from office .
22 There were a number of clues available to Robson : if West had still held the guarded queen of clubs he would almost certainly have kept and exited with his last spade ; if he had held both the king and queen of clubs he would have been equally likely to win the first club with the queen ; and , from what had happened so far , it looked as though West had started with more clubs than his partner .
23 In a few days or weeks Francis would almost certainly have made a will and it was unlikely that Anna would have been the principal , let alone the sole beneficiary .
24 ( As for my other questions : a pot of the jam could indeed have survived until now , but would almost certainly have turned brown , unless kept completely sealed in a dry , airy , pitch-dark room . )
25 But this would almost certainly have meant abandoning voluntarism in favour of some form of formal constitution demanding a greater commitment from users .
26 The death of a husband would almost certainly have resurrected for Jean the complicated feelings associated with her earlier bereavement .
27 Yet in Thorez 's case , for example , his natural preference for the practical realities of daily politics rather than the abstract myths of sectarian rhetoric would almost certainly have sown doubts in his own mind regarding the viability of the implantation of Soviet cultural policies within a French context .
28 Words can not express the sadness of seeing a teenager who looks barely older than a young child suffering from severe malnutrition , but there are the wonderful moments such as a child who suffered tremendous burns after a candle fell and set fire to her night-dress ; after months of careful dressing and cleaning her wounds have virtually healed — without the clinic the little girl would almost certainly have died .
29 Young Michael would almost certainly have died quite soon .
30 He had been the weaker of a hatching of two males and would almost certainly have died within a few days if local ornithologists had not taken him from the nest and reared him themselves in the hope that a home might finally be found for him as worthwhile as the Zoo …
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