Example sentences of "would [adv] take a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It would only take a change of attitude amongst men to improve the situation out of all recognition .
2 It would only take a computer error or a mutiny by some of those manning the weapons to trigger a global war .
3 I thought it would only take a couple of days to clear up , but it was to take quite a lot longer .
4 It would only take a couple of houses to be knocked down and they could make it into a dual carriage way .
5 BRM 's first rear-engined car , the Type 48 , turned out to be a pig , Graham Hill recording in his autobiography that ‘ the car would suddenly take a dive and dart straight into the infield out of control ’ .
6 He took the bus , because his parents would n't always drive him to auditions , from Malibu to Santa Monica , 25 miles each way , at the age of thirteen , ‘ and the casting directors would literally take a Polaroid and say thank you very much and you got back on the bus . ’
7 ‘ And Robina would not take a taxi , even if we had seen one . ’
8 It would not take a lot of imagination to believe some of these old tales in such conditions .
9 Joe Orr , the publican 's son , would surreptitiously take a beer bottle , ‘ fill it up when his father was n't about , see , and put it in his pocket , then take it up to granny .
10 And if she flung Rupert and Ianthe together they would probably take a dislike to each other .
11 ‘ It would probably take a week of rain like this to reduce the forest-fire hazard . ’
12 There is , however , plenty of evidence from contemporaries , as well as from historians , that not all husbands were drunken brutes and that many would willingly take a hand at quietening the baby for an hour or two after a long working day , or take tea up to their wives before leaving for work .
13 It would now take a motorist burping their horn or a dog barking nearby to get her hopping mad , which was real progress .
14 By night he kept himself from the usual evenings with Henry and Betty , thinking to leave them some space for a time , and he would often take a sleeping pill at eight , before dinner , because sleep had grown difficult .
15 ‘ Of course he would n't take a bribe from you , or anyone , come to that , and especially someone trying to bribe him out of the country because of a woman — one he happens to love very much . ’
16 ‘ It was going all right , but now it wo n't go at all , ’ she added more slowly , as she struggled for composure and it dawned on her that with a GB plate stuck on the back of her car that it would n't take a genius to work out that she was probably English .
17 Then she realized it was her own desire to be valued , noticed even , that made her want to do something that would n't take a minute once she 'd started .
18 She would n't take a groom with her although I warned her that the fog might come down later . "
19 Mr Lamb said : ‘ It would n't take a lot of money to celebrate the event .
20 ‘ Well , ’ Kitty continued , ‘ all those years in that heat then she walks off to see the summer-house and would n't take a cardigan .
21 ‘ I would n't take a bet on it , if I were you ! ’
22 You would n't take a clarinet out of a box and put it together crooked .
23 Robyn turned , forcing herself to ignore the sudden uncontrollable lurch in the pit of her stomach , the slight tremble in her hands that would surely take a hold if she let it .
24 ‘ The most likely scenario is that the Russian embassy asks for extradition and the Swedish government would then take a decision on the request , ’ said an immigration official , Erik Lempert .
25 This last the verderers thought the least likely course because the escape had been made nearer to the north of the depression than the south and it would therefore take a day longer to get round it on that side .
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