Example sentences of "there 's been an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Is n't it possible that there 's been an error — a computer error , perhaps ?
2 And there 's been an earthquake and everything
3 There 's been an inn on the site for more than two hundred years , though the present George was only built in 1938 , more than anything else it 's a landmark .
4 First , there 's been an increase in tension in the Middle East after an Israeli gunman shot dead seven Palestinian workers outside Tel Aviv at the weekend .
5 Erm but the the point I 'm making is that existing figures erm for the existing sorry the figures for the existing structure plan indicate that there 's been an overshoot on agreed figures .
6 We 've got a job for your duty recovery crew — there 's been an accident on the autobahn ten miles north of Munster .
7 There 's been an accident . ’
8 ‘ I 'm very sorry to be the bearer of bad news , but there 's been an accident , ’ he said in the sepulchral tones of an undertaker .
9 There 's been an accident , ’ one of the nursemaids , catching sight of him , called excitedly .
10 There 's been an accident , ’ she kept saying .
11 There 's been an accident .
12 There 's been an accident . ’
13 Ca n't you see there 's been an accident ? ’
14 But on one of these days , and you hit the road there 's been an accident , somebody 's dug the road up , there 's something wrong and you 're in a traffic jam .
15 The telephone rang at that moment ; Rachel answered it and before David had time to leave the room she said , ‘ There 's been an accident in the canteen — a boiler has blown up and two of the staff have been scalded . ’
16 There 's been an accident , I 'm sure , on the motorway .
17 you know solid or there 's been an accident it tells you there 's an accident at , at this point
18 we 'd rather get it done properly , erm , but erm , this that came yesterday morning , he reckons it , that he can do the whole of the bedroom , look there 's been an accident , I 've got to tell you
19 No there 's been an accident Christine .
20 That 's what it er seems like erm if there 's a police car you can bet your life the chances are there 's gon na be another one or an ambulance if there 's been an accident .
21 This cars turned round even to go out the bottom of there 's been an accident oh .
22 There 's been an accident on the A four twenty three road near Banbury .
23 There 's been an acceleration of incidents in the last five years .
24 And with our growing appreciation of the importance of language , there 's been an upsurge in language that is sexless , reinforcing the belief that both male and female are equal .
25 It 's when something has gone wrong , , somebody , your local radio producer picks it up , he says , ‘ There 's been an outbreak of Legionnaire 's Disease in a Butlin 's Holiday Camp .
26 There 's been an article in the paper very recently saying they 're going to bring out some proposals to change those intestacy rules shortly after easter they have n't come out yet .
27 There 's been an intruder and we have a dead body . ’
28 it might not be blatantly obvious to them that there , there 's been an improvement in communications .
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