Example sentences of "there be fewer [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The low patchiness of fruit associated with the richer ‘ fruit-floras ’ in America has resulted in the evolution of more diverse communities of frugivores with reduced dietary overlap , relatively small body size and sedentary ranging patterns , whereas in Asia , where fruit seems to be rarer in space and time , with fewer species , there are fewer frugivores with broadly overlapping diets ( e.g. terrestrial and brachiating primates ) , larger body size and more mobile ranging patterns .
2 Just because , therefore , there are fewer women in physics than in English , does n't mean to say that they are any worse off : the opposite may be true .
3 I would go so far as to say that one of the main reasons why there are fewer casualties among pedestrians and particularly children in countries such as West Germany is that that country has more flexibility in the use of speed limits .
4 In the UK , of course , there are fewer hours of sun in the winter than there are in summer .
5 In an industrialized urban area the job , especially in the northern authority , is essentially one of cleaning up heavily polluted rivers , but in rural areas , where there are fewer sources of pollution , field officers are more concerned with preserving high standards of water quality .
6 Because there are fewer runs of keys than separate keys , the results of division are likely to be more variable than those of genuine randomization .
7 It is a long way to Talisker , and there are fewer beasts to be met on the river than on the land these days .
8 The MLC expects European pig prices to fall further this summer , before recovering in the autumn , when there are fewer pigs on the market .
9 There are fewer jobs in chemistry than there used to be .
10 There are fewer organisations in the market than hitherto ( although the demands of each have increased proportionately ) .
11 Simon complains of ‘ the unsuitable blue chosen by Mr Serota ’ for the Tate 's walls and adds : ‘ If there is some deep strategy for this marginalisation of the British collection it is certainly making an impact , for there are fewer pictures on view than ever before . ’
12 There are fewer hazards in this picture , but still enough to get you thinking .
13 In addition , the pattern of cleavage is both highly ordered and complex and there are fewer cells at the time when gastrulation begins .
14 While night duty therefore affords a greater opportunity to ease , as a later chapter will emphasize , for most ordinary policemen and women this is little compensation for the boredom , for there are fewer opportunities for the diligent to ‘ make work ’ , the reverse process to easing .
15 For them there are fewer opportunities for planning and leading worship , and they receive correspondingly less guidance .
16 It is lower in private than in maintained schools ( i.e. there are fewer pupils per teacher ) , and it is lowest of all in special schools .
17 Sam Skinner , the American transport secretary , believes that even if there are fewer airlines in America ‘ robust competition will continue ’ .
18 There are fewer child-characters in the current volume : a pity , because Tolstaya is absolutely atuned to the prelapsarian wavelength .
19 The large ones are easier to catch , as obviously there are fewer places for them to hide .
20 It can make a tolerable situ ‘ There are fewer places for the homeless , particularly as bed and breakfast landlords are closing their door to young people on benefit .
21 Although there were violent clashes between rioters and police in Osaka in October 1990 [ see p. 37780 ] , there were fewer attempts by the radical left than had been expected to disrupt the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Akihito .
22 There were fewer beggars under the arcades , perhaps scared away by the patrolling police , and by the awe-inspiring Civil Guards in their black-lacquered headgear and solemnly swinging capes .
23 There were fewer girls on the streets these days , she said , so the prices had risen .
24 He argued that the National Curriculum had rendered such freedom unnecessary because there were fewer differences between syllabuses .
25 A large-scale investigation in five different republics in the late 1970s , for instance , found that there were fewer differences in educational attainment among younger age-groups than among their older counterparts .
26 And what , pray , was The Sun Justice would be better served if there were fewer judges from Brasenose College , Oxford , and more Sun readers from the University of Life on the Bench . ’
27 By now there were fewer paeans of praise to fecundity in the magazines ; instead they were asking ‘ Why Young Mothers Feel Trapped ’ ( Redbook ) or , with more than a hint of desperation , offering ‘ 58 Ways To Make Your Marriage More Exciting ’ ( Newsweek ) , Graduate wives complained bitterly , especially in the Guardian , of living like cabbages .
28 This shows that in well over eighty percent there were fewer tumours at the three month cystoscopy than there were before the B G C was instilled .
29 Stone began to replace the wood of the lower city and there were fewer ambushes from above .
30 She 'd gone to bed with Rune willingly , with both eyes wide open in a metaphorical sense , knowing his background and aware that , in the natural , uncomplicated atmosphere of Scandinavia , perhaps more than anywhere else in Europe there were fewer taboos regarding physical relationships between couples .
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