Example sentences of "if he 'd be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Hector was behind the door , as if he 'd been hiding there , painfully thin , still unshaven , a stained rag over his eyes .
2 Edward was pale and she wondered if he 'd been eating pork crackling again which did n't agree with him , but he did n't seem sick .
3 I wished I could have felt any sort of advance enthusiasm , but I could n't have cared less if John had spent the week transforming the room into the Crystal Palace , or even if he 'd been laying everything waste with a meat-axe .
4 ‘ You do n't know who he is , but last night in the pub you asked Mr Hatton if he 'd been seeing much of McCloy lately .
5 Isabel 's personal integrity had been there in her clear gaze all the time , if he 'd been thinking with his head instead of with his emotions .
6 He felt that if he 'd been wearing a gun , this man would have known .
7 His eyebrows would have disappeared if he 'd been wearing his helmet .
8 He almost certainly had a pearl fedora to go with the image and brown and white two-tone shoes , if he 'd been wearing any .
9 It was just as well Kenneth 's phone was n't engaged because , presumably , if he 'd been chatting to John Major about the situation in the Middle East , or talking to David Mellor about fun , poor old Johan would have been chucked out of the country .
10 His hair was damp as if he 'd been swimming and he was dressed casually in jeans and a thin denim-blue shirt .
11 He was asked if he 'd been drinking and he said he 'd a glass of wine .
12 The driver became suspicious when the man , dressed in a dark uniform approached him and asked him if he 'd been drinking .
13 It depends on his attitude , if he 'd been trying to pull a fast one on you and er
14 and er they used to come to me and say how much does this man owe now and if he 'd been paying quite a bit next time he came in the shop they was all round him trying to persuade him to buy
15 If he 'd been going to hang up on me , something made him change his mind and could be it was something I said .
16 If he 'd been cycling for fourteen hours , let's say fifteen hours .
17 If he 'd been cycling for fifteen hours , you you have a look and tell me how far he would have gone .
18 He looked as if he 'd been Lying there on his stomach for quite a while .
19 You do n't know , I mean he could of gone if he 'd been lying in a chair wa watching the
20 And breathless too , as if he 'd been running .
21 If he 'd been following me he would have to have been close because I had gone straight to the camera , and I would have heard him , even in the wind .
22 If he 'd been camping he 'd have chosen somewhere more comfortable .
23 Just imagine if he 'd been sitting there with his legs dangling outside .
24 The impossibly blond hair seemed dishevelled and appealingly boyish , as if he 'd been tossing restlessly .
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