Example sentences of "has sometimes [been] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , they note that resource-based learning has sometimes been presented as if it " replaced " the teacher .
2 In fact , contrary to what has sometimes been said about his modesty , he enjoyed talking about his work , even when it was no more than work in progress .
3 Variability in ME , however , has sometimes been perceived as an obstacle rather than a resource , and as a result information that might be of some value to the historian has been rejected from the canon .
4 In the discussion of Chaucer 's Reeve 's Tale in Chapter 4 of this book , however , we shall find an argument that this sort of " measure for measure " reading has sometimes been imputed by modern critics to texts in a way that is neither strongly supported by the text itself nor an enhancement of the reading of the text .
5 An urbane text , it nevertheless discloses a violent scenario — social , psychic , and sexual ( what has sometimes been mistaken for decadence ) .
6 Ownership has sometimes been transferred into local hands ( private or state ) while the original owners have continued as managers on a financial basis which has frequently been unrelated to their performance .
7 A tendency has sometimes been observed for several successive eruptions to occur with noticeable periodicity and for successive thermals to be in the same places each time .
8 In commerce the designation ivory has sometimes been extended to nuts of the Phytelephas palm of South America , but this has only been used for making things like buttons , draughtsmen and netsuke .
9 The ‘ core ’ of this unit has sometimes been seen as a ‘ golden triangle ’ based on Paris , London and Hamburg , whose prosperity was a function of accessibility to the rest of Europe .
10 This guideline has not attracted as much comment as the previous two , and has sometimes been seen as part of the second one .
11 Marxism has sometimes been regarded as a positivist approach since it can be argued that it sees human behaviour as a reaction to the stimulus of the economic infrastructure .
12 They are not , therefore , responsible for an over-individualistic approach to leaders as has sometimes been asserted by critics .
13 The attack upon the clerical ministers in the parliament of 1371 has sometimes been compared with the similar attack in 1340–1 .
14 The public 's dislike of unprincipled press behaviour has sometimes been expressed in the award of erratically large libel damages .
15 Derrida has sometimes been criticized for the generality of phrases such as ‘ the history of the West ’ or the claim that his work involves a critique of ‘ Western metaphysics ’ .
16 This has sometimes been justified on security grounds but often the argument has been that disclosure is not in the public interest , that " secrecy is at all times the condition in which the best men make the best decisions . "
17 This is not a radical change , though it has sometimes been represented as such .
18 The hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) talked about subsidies , and that leads me straight to the idea which has sometimes been muttered during the debate — that the mines should not have a subsidy .
19 Another argument for concentrating on artificially constructed sentences has sometimes been advanced by people involved in linguistics ( the study of how human language in general works , rather than of how to speak a particular one ) .
20 Brideshead , too , is an exercise in passionate nostalgia , and of a kind that has sometimes been held to be embarrassing , since it celebrates the dying life of a great country house , though such critical embarrassments may be more ritual than real .
21 Freud has sometimes been excluded in this way from sociology , but , as has been shown above , the sociologist can not simply accept a conclusion from psychology and dismiss Freud for this reason .
22 It has sometimes been suggested to me that the portfolio-matrix approach is inconsistent with finance theory because it balances investment over different businesses and this is inconsistent with the finance theory view of the irrelevance of corporate diversification .
23 In this approach the high level of unionisation in Sweden is not the result of any cultural propensity on the part of the Swedish population ( because of its ethnic homogeneity ) to seek objectives by way of interest group organisations — a factor which Adams ( 1975 ) notes has sometimes been suggested by way of explanation .
24 As for Odovacer , he has sometimes been identified with the warleader who was to be responsible for the deposition of the last emperor , Romulus Augustulus , in 476 .
25 An underlying theme of change since the early 1980s which has sometimes been buried in the overall conflict over spending levels has been a move towards the privatization of services : that is , the replacement of previously direct local government provision by the provision of services by commercial enterprises under contract to local authorities .
26 Fourth , the extent of illness in the wider society has sometimes been measured by intensive medical examination of small communities and invariably this approach highlights the iceberg of disease and uncovers far higher rates of illness than the other approaches .
27 While this has sometimes been aimed at the complete subversion and overthrow of the established political order , as in the case of the Bader-Meinhoff group in West Germany and the Italian Red Brigades , more recently it is concern over nuclear weapons , and specifically the installation of cruise missiles that has engendered extra-constitutional forms of dissent both in this country and abroad .
28 In their defence , however , it has to be admitted that the drafting of contracts has not always been perfect , particularly in the simpler forms , where clarity has sometimes been sacrificed to brevity .
29 Evidence that long tails impose viability costs is very limited , yet without this it remains possible that tail elongation has sometimes been driven by natural selection , perhaps because it improves aerodynamic efficiency , manoeuvrability or stability .
30 The dowry system has sometimes been considered as an effect of the sexual division of labour where , although women do some of the heaviest work ( servicing labour and producing it ) , these roles are considered less important than those of men .
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