Example sentences of "their [noun] so they can " in BNC.

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1 He had been able to teach her some of the ploys that actors use to control their breathing when they are nervous , and project their voices so they can be heard .
2 ‘ Funny , ’ says Hulk Hogan , just before Secret Shine turn up in their bloodied butcher 's aprons and dismember him with their thumbs so they can use his torso to stir some soup made from doctors , ‘ I thought all the bands on Sarah were useless , overly well-spoken , terminally passive rock inadequates wallowing in their own love of wimping insipidness . ’
3 The only RPG that you wo n't get too embarrassed buying is Toe Jam And Earl , an ideal chill-out kind of game about two alien rappers who strut the screen looking for the missing parts of their spaceship so they can return to planet Funkotron .
4 the teacher acts as a conscience I I explained to them I 'm not expecting them to make the child do the work , but to be their conscience so they can say look you 've got three assessments coming in that week if you leave it till Friday night you 're up the creak without a paddle !
5 CLIC conduct essential research into cancer and leukaemia in children as well as providing accommodation for young children and their families so they can be together while the child is in hospital .
6 They do n't know the language so their choice of jobs is limited to the worst and least skilled ; they do n't know their rights so they can be intimidated , they do n't have much information about other , better off workers so they can be paid poverty-line wages .
7 Appeal organisers , led by Age Concern , are still looking for local people to organise fund raising events on their behalf so they can attract big donations from charitable trusts .
8 PRISONERS are brushing up their Shakespeare so they can learn new insults to hurl in jail .
9 We 'll skin them right here and preserve their hides so they can be shipped home and stuffed .
10 No alteration is necessary to the phones or their plug so they can be used with other equipment as normal .
11 Sheng 's parents are being taught therapy techniques during their visit so they can continue the treatment when they return to China .
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