Example sentences of "has yet to [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This lesson appears to have been accepted in principle ( Department of Trade and Industry , 1988 , 1989 ) but has yet to be implemented .
2 Leonard could be depressive along with many other poets ( the psycho-endocrinological critique of poetry has yet to be written ! ) ; he could also be uplifting and assertive ; he could , indeed , write ‘ about something ’ to use Faulkner 's phrase from The Bear , and did so to the advantage of large numbers of people who gladly read , and asked for more .
3 A definitive agreement that outlines exactly what kind of a subsidiary USL will be , how independent of Novell it will stay , has yet to be written but will be before the acquisition can go through .
4 A variety of tempers were used as additives to clays ; whether the choice was conscious or not has yet to be studied , although it has already been observed that the same clay was used with different tempers in certain places .
5 Where the local nobility provided leadership in the rising against the French it was accepted , as the composition of the Juntas shows ; the role of these local notables has yet to be studied , but they represent a type of ‘ patriot ’ in 1808 .
6 We shall elaborate on this simple division below but suggest here that the wealth of literature on the former ( see , for instance , Burton et al. 1978 and Perry 1981 ) has yet to be matched by a similar volume of work on the latter .
7 GIS research into site selection for non-nuclear hazardous waste has been almost exclusively conducted in North America and has yet to be matched in the UK .
8 Beautifully constructed courses which immensely satisfy both student and teacher alike with their intelligence and vigour , they have set a standard for classroom work that has yet to be matched . ’
9 First Chicago believes that selling half of its commercial property portfolio en bloc boosted the bank 's image with shareholders , regulators and rating agencies — though its share price is barely keeping pace with the S&P banks index , and its debt has yet to be upgraded .
10 Neighbourhood manager Sue Bennett feels this has yet to be recognised nationally , but is certain to become a major issue in future .
11 The role of genes encoding other alcohol metabolising enzymes in a genetic predisposition to alcoholic liver damage has yet to be explored .
12 A site has yet to be secured — although the Mountain View , California-based company said it had been working on the plans for some 18 months — and a choice will be announced within 60 days , according to Sun 's chief financial officer , Kevin Melia .
13 The Wesleyans , especially , maintained a very ‘ high ’ view of their Connexion and of Methodist order : ‘ Its remedies have been tested everywhere ’ Conference declared in 1896 , ‘ and the first failure has yet to be recorded . ’
14 The pearl , the job with the , has yet to be advertised , and I still await the outcome of my February discussions with , who had two areas of interest to me — one in community affairs and one in training .
15 There were also three advertisements in THE SCOTSMAN on Friday to which I am replying , and the WS Society job has yet to be advertised .
16 Likewise , oxygen-rich compounds at the surface probably control the oxygen abundance in the lower atmosphere , though such oxygen has yet to be detected .
17 He also confirmed that the decision had already been taken to produce the ‘ Impact ’ electric car ( above ) , first revealed at this year 's Geneva motor show , although a firm launch date has yet to be decided .
18 The timing of his departure has yet to be decided .
19 It has yet to be decided exactly how this money will be spent but , as with all legacies , it will either be used for new acquisitions or for vital capital expenditure on properties .
20 Whether it will be launched in the UK has yet to be decided .
21 Howard-Spink says the campaign strategy has yet to be decided .
22 It has yet to be decided how 47-year-old Tony 's character will be written out .
23 Furthermore , it has yet to be decided whether or not Japanese cars produced in Britain should be part of an overall fixed limit .
24 His future has yet to be decided by governors at Newcastle upon Tyne 's £3,141-a-year Dame Allen boys school .
25 No firm date has yet been set for the launch of the Trust and it has yet to be decided exactly how it will operate .
26 Pricing has yet to be decided , but BT is aiming for the look and feel of the service to be the same as for its existing messaging services .
27 Indeed , the services are to be integrated into the Unisource Business Networks service portfolio this year , although exactly how and when has yet to be decided .
28 He says that some of the technology , such as the switch fabric , will be bought in , though the source has yet to be decided .
29 2.5 The structure and grades for the Assessors Department has yet to be decided upon .
30 The second instalment has been set at 140p , but the final instalment has yet to be decided , said Stephen Dorrell , Financial Secretary to the Treasury .
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