Example sentences of "has [adv] [be] recognised [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But it has since been recognised that this was wrong and that what is termed ‘ sub-maximal ’ exercise is beneficial to health , protects against heart attacks and is an important aid to recovery after them .
2 ( Its importance in enjambment , for example , has long been recognised but never codified . )
3 It has long been recognised that the human factor is just as significant an influence on rates of erosion as physical features , as has been highlighted by a study of potential versus actual erosion in Zimbabwe by Whitlow ( 1988 ) .
4 As for the second , it has long been recognised that successful institutions are distinguished by clear aims .
5 It has long been recognised that the Commission has required its own independent powers to review and , if necessary , prohibit those takeovers which may impede or distort competition in the single market .
6 It has long been recognised that the ratio of doctors to population in the United Kingdom , at 1 to 562 , is the second lowest in western Europe , where the average is 1 to 338 .
7 It has long been recognised that maternity services should respond more to the emotional needs of its female consumers , and there are radical midwives such as Caroline Flint who are working to change today 's medicalisation of pregnancy .
8 It has long been recognised that expressions such as to pull someone 's leg , to have a bee in one 's bonnet , to kick the bucket , to cook someone 's goose , to be off one 's rocker , round the bend , up the creek , etc. are semantically peculiar .
9 Nevertheless it has long been recognised that , whatever may be the theoretical position , there are far-reaching limitations in principle on the exercise of that jurisdiction .
10 But the decisions referred to above are helpful to demonstrate that both at law and in equity it has long been recognised that an influence may be subtle , insidious , pervasive and where religious beliefs are involved especially powerful .
11 Where the task involves a number of choices , i.e. there is a choice reaction time , it has long been recognised that reaction time rose progressively with the number of possible choices , but why and to what extent where not understood .
12 Thirdly , it has long been recognised that written documents produced in the past often have a special quality , which is not possessed by school textbooks or the writings of later historians .
13 It has long been recognised that the proper and effective investigation of child abuse requires co-operation between those agencies with child care responsibilities .
14 Most theories of rhythm have concentrated on metre and metricality , and while it has long been recognised that the rhythms of the spoken language give variety to what occurs within a given metre , the functioning of these rhythms in poetry has never been adequately investigated .
15 It has long been recognised that women who devote years of their lives to bringing up children lose out in the pension stakes .
16 After more than a hundred years of the recognition of industrial picketing as a democratic mechanism the official Code of Practice issued by the Department of Employment says : ‘ There is no legal ‘ right to picket ’ as such but peaceful picketing has long been recognised as lawful . ’
17 ‘ Establishment ’ today means very little outside the sphere of the purely formal and ceremonial and the devotion of the time of Parliament to the tedious and time-consuming task of regulating the affairs of the Church of England has long been recognised as anachronistic .
18 The description ‘ schizotypal ’ is really just a modern equivalent of the older one , ‘ schizoid ’ , which has long been recognised as having an affinity with schizophrenia .
19 Amenorrhoea with anovulation has long been recognised as invariable in anorexia nervosa ( decreased libido and low testosterone are the equivalent in the male ) .
20 Their potential has already been recognised and exploited in other fields — schools will not so much be moving with the times as running to catch up .
21 It has hardly been recognised that India is among the few countries in the world that has a proven capability to undertake orbital missions or detonate a nuclear device .
22 But it has always been recognised that , where individuals desire that services of a special kind which , though not within the obligations of a police authority , can most effectively be rendered by them , should be performed by members of the police force , the police authorities may ( to use an expression which is found in the Police Pensions Act 1890 ) ‘ lend ’ the services of constables for that purpose in consideration of payment .
23 However it has always been recognised that they can only complement the work done in the home and the parish and do not replace it .
24 St Gallen 's opera has always been recognised as one of Switzerland 's best , and performs in the imposing Stadttheater in the Museumstrasse .
25 However , it has also been recognised that it is impractical to impose a universal method of inventory control across all museums and art galleries .
26 It has now been recognised that often the company , and indeed the regulatory authorities and the public , may need to be able to find out who the beneficial owners are and other sections , dealt with later , seek to enable them to find out .
27 I think that is a big difficulty that , the diversity of family types simply has n't been recognised and , anything that 's seen as a benefit for one parent families is a political no no !
28 It has previously been recognised that eating produces a more noticeable rise in G17 than in G34 .
29 It has recently been recognised that there have been considerable liquidity problems both before and after Big Bang for some of the smaller companies listed on the ISE , prompting some calls for a two-tier market .
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