Example sentences of "they walk [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They wear lipstick , and shoes with high heels , and they walk down the road bravely , as if they 're not afraid of anything , as if the world is theirs , as if they have n't got mothers who seem to die a little every time they go out of the door .
2 Miracle Squares I think there 's a lot of thought gone into it you know , it ca n't be easy to re er to , to just dream up a game erm , I like the one about you go to the last supper and the waiter spills soup on your trousers , the waiter , ha tell you else about the Marx brothers an'all , the waiter is er the king of Snowdonia and it 's Groucho Marx , the , they 've got this massive hall , and er these big steps leading down into it you know and as , as they 're coming in there 's somebody at the top and Ann says who 's , who 's walking in and they walk down the stairs you know and Mr and Mrs and the king has you know and he says oh the king Snowdonia is about to arrive , he should be here any minute now , he should be here dead on this time you know , he gets these big fanfare trumpets up da , da , da , da , the king of Snowdonia , and there 's nothing and all of a sudden it flashes to Groucho Marx and then he 's in bed with
3 By the time they walk down the street , just happening to bump into the gang of boys , they have got it all worked out .
4 At specific points on the journey , the taxi pauses , and a window is lowered , to allow for the spitting out of a hoarsely whispered phrase , in a guttural ghetto tongue : ‘ May tall buildings fall on them , when they walk down the street . ’
5 And secondly , you 'll get a greater , obviously a greater amount of litter , because they do eat as they walk across the sites .
6 When on the ground , they walk on the sides of their clenched feet and support themselves with their hands .
7 Why do perfectly confident women feel intimidated as soon as they walk through the door of a salon ?
8 These are given away to house buyers when they or prospective house buyers when they walk through the door .
9 Few know when they may see their husbands , or what to expect when they walk through the gates .
10 They can track shoplifters as they walk through the city .
11 Then they walk up the drive and knock on the front door .
12 They walk into the corner of the TV set and you think they 've broken their skull , but they just bounce off ; next moment they sit down very gently on their bottoms which are padded with what looks like fifteen nappies and they burst into tears .
13 All your horses are out , put your men up they walk round the ring and at seven o'clock you move off to the heath to train your horses .
14 The following three hours passed with surprising speed , but I had already learnt a valuable lesson : it is very tiring and hard being in general surgery ; every patient expects that the doctor knows all about them the moment they walk in the door , and we had to be empathetic , not sympathetic .
15 and then they walk in the bin so I suggest you do n't give me any hassle
16 They walk in the world today .
17 and the other girl and they go to this very chichi Chinese restaurant and when they walk in the manager of the restaurant recognizes his father who is obviously a very important man in China before the revolution and he goes over , chats so in honour of the Mr Moo Bing , you know
18 It appears that the whole town has turned out to welcome us ; men , women and children are lining the main route through the town , shaking hands with the French Commandos and offering glasses of wine as they walk alongside the column .
19 They walked down the corridor in single file , Shiona leading the way to her front door .
20 As they walked down the drive , Constance was surprised at how cool it was under the pines .
21 Furness extended a hand to help him up and they walked down the track together .
22 The sky was thick with stars as they walked down the track towards Les Hiboux .
23 Some spoke of the challenging messages that they wanted to give out when they walked down the street in a particular outfit .
24 They walked down the street in silence , each sharply aware of the other 's presence , of the cold , of the greyness of the street and the claustrophobically low cloud .
25 ‘ Your ship , ’ enquired Rosheen as they walked down the hill .
26 They walked down the hill and back to the square .
27 They walked down the path towards the front door .
28 Joseph glanced up at his father as they walked down the path to the village .
29 They walked down the path together until they reached the shores of the loch .
30 They walked down the path .
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