Example sentences of "they appear [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many lecturers ( who are seldom trained educationalists ) do not realise the importance of this statement , and announce their topics only when they appear at the lectern .
2 There are three Wraithwisps for each adventurer , and they appear at the rate of four per round .
3 Nor are the prospects , even for Galway , as bad as they appear at the moment : workers reportedly wept openly in the Digital canteen when told their jobs were being phased out over the next 12 months , but the fear that most of the subcontractors that served DEC will have to close as well is not likely to be realised : where a company has a good relationship with a subcontractor , there are good reasons for maintaining that relationship even after a plant closes , and work should start flowing across the Irish Sea all the way to Galway from Scotland .
4 A GALAXY of the rock world 's biggest stars will shine tonight when they appear at the pop world 's most spectacular prize giving ceremony .
5 Whether the words are printed , typed or handwritten ; whether they appear on a screen or on different types and qualities of paper ; whether a ‘ text ’ occurs as a separate item , as part of an academic journal , or in a book or an encyclopaedia ; how the page is laid out , the extent to which it is broken up by illustrations , headings , and the use of different typefaces .
6 The findings are actually somewhat more encouraging from the Tories ' point of view than they appear on the surface .
7 These splendid and intricate bronze castings are enigmatic : they appear on the scene without apparent precursors and with no obvious descendants .
8 I seem to remember they appear on the Glory Years tape ( as someone mentioned ) .
9 The same questions and the order in which they appear on the schedule would be administered , in a survey , to all respondents by all interviewers in the same way : this is to standardise stimuli .
10 Certainly when they appear on the air using exotic callsigns Dxpeditions enable other , less adventurous , amateurs to share in their activities and that is perhaps one of the significant features of the hobby .
11 So if you were commenting on such a section as this , you would have a great deal of things to say on , just on the letter forms as they appear on the page .
12 In addition to review for jurisdictional error , the courts have maintained control over errors of law within jurisdiction if they appear on the face of the record .
13 A person may be nominated for direct entry to fellowship if , by reason of public standing and professional experience , they appear to the council to be able and willing to personally advance the objectives of the Association .
14 Each available option of LIFESPAN PMR is explained , with examples of the pages as they appear to the user .
15 All of the currently available options are explained with examples of the pages as they appear to the user .
16 At the end of the article he writes : ‘ We may say , if we like , that the introspected mind is just a body and its goings on as they appear to the body in question and not to anybody else .
17 The ordinary hyphen is used between words that are hyphenated wherever they appear in a line and when those words would be split by a line-ending at the hyphen-point : eg well-known , time-consuming , up-to-date .
18 Most of the reported decisions were made under the provisions of the Act of 1972 but for convenience I shall throughout refer to the relevant provisions under the numbers of the sections and subsections as they appear in the Act of 1988 .
19 ( 2 ) Within this main heading , the links of the pattern diagram when they appear in the text could have an underline in red .
20 References are numbered sequentially as they appear in the text , followed by those in tables and finally by those in figure legends .
21 There was a very considerable consensus on the elements selected , and these choices , in the order in which they appear in the text , are given below along with the percentage ( rounded to the nearest integer ) of the informants who identified each one .
22 They appear in the suite fabric , paintings and other pieces of art .
23 It may be useful to draw up the definitions clause after drafting the rest of the terms , to ensure that all words and phrases which require definition are included ; then , when checking the terms , the drafter should check the meaning of defined words and phrases each time they appear in the document to ensure that the definition is appropriate .
24 Please ensure you include all major events and the names of sponsors where they appear in the name of the event .
25 Most have interesting things to say , but why they appear in the order they do is explicable only on some deep theory of random numbers : the editors provide no justification for the selection or their order — or useful introductory remarks or guidelines .
26 And it makes no difference in terms of consumption that here they appear in the catalogue rather than inscribed on the surface of the image since the contemporary catalogue has claims to offer a unifying experience for the viewer .
27 They appear in the form of a pair of vermilion ‘ chops ’ on our family note-paper and on quite a number of original Chinese paintings inscribed to us by the artists .
28 After all , euthunai , compulsory accounts presented by magistrates , are an institution known from deme government ( IG i 244 , Skambonidai ) before they appear in the city .
29 Unfortunately we did n't have room to include the complete rules for war machines and chariots as they appear in the Warhammer rulebook , but you will find a summary for them at the end of the War Machines section .
30 I just mention that , because that , I thought you ought to know the truth of that , you know , and things are n't what they appear in the paper .
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