Example sentences of "they 've had a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 've had a long time to crack a lot of these problems pardon
2 They 've had a cushy subsidised existence for too long .
3 Erm John 's Dream the National Playwright 's Network actually wrote back to me and said they 're quite happy to read your plays for a fee erm but I intend to re-write that before I put it in er for a reading erm Oh , I I sent a poem called Pleasure to Woman 's Weekly in June last year and I suspect they were actually planning to use it but they 've had a New Year 's clear-out and I got it back yesterday .
4 Well they 've had a marvellous sort of conversion of that done
5 All returning submarines fly one if they 've had a good patrol . ’
6 Neil says he does n't like the swimming and the lakes have been cold while Derek says they 've been through the pain barrier and have had to spend up to ten hours a day in the saddle but they 've had a good back up team … he also jokes that there has n't been a day when he would n't have rather stopped in bed
7 As for Norwich they 've had a good start and will take some stopping .
8 She says they 've had a good time .
9 No birds about at the moment but they 've had a good feed of chicken , but
10 Oh yeah yeah they 've had a good time I think down there
11 There 's lots of talking and laughing when they do that — they look like they 've had a real good time .
12 They 've had a furious row already , ’ she announced gleefully .
13 An and they ring up and they say they 've had a cold all week and they ca n't put up with it a minute longer
14 ‘ And they 've had a bad press .
15 ( Single woman living with her unmarried brother and their very frail elderly mother ) I do think that disabled people , unless they 've had a big cash payment through an accident [ compensation ] … they do n't get enough to live on …
16 If someone comes and they 've actually run out of food , and they 've you know , for some reason or other their giro is either held up or you know , they 've had a big expense er which they 've had to pay , then we would provide them with something .
17 They 've had a big meal apparently and they 're all thoroughly stuffed
18 Yeah well they 've had they 've had a big today .
19 They 've had a particular focus on assisting the economic transition in the region .
20 Well I think it 's been a mans world , they , they 've had a wonderful time !
21 We 've given them no bother as far the union is concerned — they 've had a free hand and we feel severely let down
22 The Sharrock family know they 've had a lucky escape ; any one or all of them could have been injured , or even killed , when someone threw a brick at their car from an overhead footbridge .
23 Mm they 've had a special , they had a skylight blind made .
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