Example sentences of "from a [adj] variety [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The material with which a major museum has to deal , both within its own collections and on offer to it , will have come from a wide variety of sources .
2 Also references in this book to the extent of soil erosion are drawn from a wide variety of sources and go some way to corroborate the view that , whether it is important or not , environmental degradation is certainly happening .
3 Here users tend to come from a wide variety of backgrounds , and press for an equally wide range of requirements .
4 We have children from a wide variety of backgrounds in our Catholic schools today .
5 While following the F-Plan you will be able to choose from a wide variety of meals to suit your own taste , in selecting daily menus .
6 Such splendour is not for most of us , either as patrons or purchasers ; but , if he is content to appreciate the diligence of the scribe rather than luxuriate in the extravagancies of the illuminator , the collector can assemble single leaves from a wide variety of manuscripts at modest cost .
7 The Group 's X-ray fluorescence laboratories , which are currently operating at virtually full capacity , have produced more than a hundred thousand data points from a wide variety of geological samples from the United Kingdom and overseas .
8 A programme to obtain geological and geotechnical data from a wide variety of sources , including engineering consultants , local authorities and service industries , is under way .
9 Teams from a wide variety of organisations will be competing throughout the afternoon to do battle with the Duke .
10 Amnesty International works on behalf of a wide variety of people from a wide variety of cultures .
11 The research was funded from a wide variety of sources .
12 Gardiner usefully quotes or paraphrases the lively testimony of many sitters and visitors from a wide variety of sources and it is at these moments that the artist at his most affectionate , considerate , perceptive and even gently self-deprecating comes to life .
13 Contributors to Applied Linguistics are drawn from a wide variety of teaching and research backgrounds all over the world .
14 The committee took evidence from a wide variety of sources and assessed it rigorously .
15 This can be illustrated from a wide variety of cases : the uses of literacy for social control in nineteenth century Canada , for instance , where any ‘ critical ’ element was carefully excluded ( Graff , 1979 ) ; the restriction of the content of written forms to religious tracts by the Methodist missionaries who introduced literacy to Fiji in the nineteenth century ( Clammer , 1976 ) ; the examples from British literacy campaigns that show how illiteracy developed in schools because of the class-based nature of schooling ( Mace , 1979 ) ; the uses of literacy for religious and symbolic purposes in Ghana ( Goody , 1968 ) ; the greater trust placed by thirteenth century knights in England on seals and symbols as means of legitimating charters and rights to land and their suspicion of the written document as more likely to be forged and inaccurate ( Clanchy , 1979 ) ; the development in Iranian villages of forms of literacy taught in Koranic schools into forms of literacy appropriate for commercial trading in a rapidly modernising and urbanising economy ( Section 2 ) .
16 From your speech in parliament and from a wide variety of other speeches I understand that you no longer agree with the evidence you accepted in 1971 .
17 Rectella will make up both curtains and blinds from a wide variety of designs in any of its fabrics .
18 The 1985 Committee of the National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration , for instance , took the best advice they could find from a wide variety of sources to produce the prophecies in Educational futurism 1985 , published in Berkeley , California , in 1971 .
19 The Verlag system is one in which patterns may be supplied by merchants to household-based manufacturers from a wide variety of markets , and are then copied by people who have no direct contact with these markets .
20 External information was available from a wide variety of sources .
21 Thus Brown ( 1970 ) estimated world-wide natural erosion rates to range from 12 to 1500 m 3 km -2 ; yr -1 ; and man-induced rates to range from 1500 to 85,000 m 3 km -2 ; yr -1 ; and the results from a wide variety of areas were reviewed by Gregory and Walling ( 1973 , pp.342–58 ) .
22 Detailed evidence for the full range of craftsmen at individual small towns is inevitably lacking , but it is possible to assemble a general picture by using material from a wide variety of sources .
23 It served a dual purpose ; it provided him with lots of material for the classroom and enabled him to discuss his ideas with colleagues from a wide variety of schools .
24 Recently it has been shown that Raman spectra may be obtained from a wide variety of samples using a combination of an interferometer capable of operating in the near-IR region and a near-IR laser .
25 During the summer and autumn of 1988 views from a wide variety of sources were collated by National Development Officers and a report was prepared for the Council 's Task Group .
26 Although much research , comment and controversy have focussed on the population of North African origin , immigrants in fact come from a wide variety of sources both within and outside Europe .
27 These results come from a wide variety of sources , ranging from laboratory experiments using electric shocks to analyses of one person 's memory over a number of years , from experimental subjects ’ memories of autopsy slides to normal people 's memory for hearing about Kennedy 's assassination .
28 Current research funding comes from a wide variety of sources including SERC , EC , HSE , DTI , and industry .
29 Total research income for the department is around £1.5m pa from a wide variety of sources .
30 Yet to those on the inside , the University is a warm and vibrant community that derives much benefit from drawing upon groups from a wide variety of backgrounds .
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