Example sentences of "but a [adj] proportion of " in BNC.

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1 Although Brixton has £180m of borrowings , all but a small proportion of this is borrowed at fixed rates so it does not suffer from higher interest rates .
2 But prevailing attitudes towards the Jews at this time among all but a small proportion of the population , discriminatory though they were in different degrees , did not remotely match the anti-Jewish paranoia of Hitler and the activist Jew-baiting elements within the Nazi Movement .
3 The variety of foreign bodies found in and around the genitalia is enormous , but , like the previously mentioned causes of urethritis , they make up but a small proportion of the cases of urethritis .
4 Even so , the taille can sometimes be surprisingly good , especially in favourable years , and would in those Champagnes which utilise it , represent but a small proportion of the overall blend of a wine .
5 It is not suggested that any but a small proportion of private homes are like this , but where such conditions do occur , it indicates that the vetting , registration and monitoring procedures are failing .
6 The SOED mainly funds research which is related to Government policy concerns but a small proportion of the budget is reserved to fund ideas which come from the research community .
7 In times gone by Dutch cattle were dual-purpose types , as meat was required from the dairy herd as well as milk , but since the early 1970s there has been an increasing use of American Holstein-Friesians in the Netherlands to increase the milk yields of the Dutch Friesian ( which has lower yields than the Holstein type but a higher proportion of solids in the milk ) .
8 Not only are lower paid workers likely to occupy housing that is different in tenure from that of skilled workers but a certain proportion of the latter may occupy housing that is similar to that of the non-manual group adjacent to them .
9 In central Australia there are few mountain ranges but a large proportion of land is perfect for sheep farming with the ground being 0–1000m .
10 Thus , not only will few cars enter Woonerven areas , but a high proportion of them will be driven by residents who will have a vested interest in the safe operation of the new street layout .
11 A small number of studies did make use of observational methods , but a high proportion of these also included supplementary interview data " to bolster their conclusions " .
12 So , not only are more families drawing family credit than FIS , but a larger proportion of this group pays tax and insurance on each additional £1 of earnings , as well as losing part of the family credit payment .
13 Big birds weigh more , but a smaller proportion of that weight is fat , ) Corroboration comes from the observation that males who had not formed pairs were in worse condition than those that had .
14 Some patients are more suggestible than others in this respect , but a fair proportion of food-sensitive people will react with symptoms if they think they have eaten one of their culprit foods .
15 In turnover terms , with $16,400m for the year , the company sailed past Digital Equipment Corp with about $2,000m more in annual business — but a significant proportion of its total is not computer-related , whereas DEC is a 100% computer company .
16 On the contrary , not only were some publications from each decade of the present century in need of attention , but a significant proportion of items from its first three decades proved defective , with 19% of items published between 1900 and 1909 showing the need for repair — a higher proportion than for any group other than 19th Century publications .
17 The majority but a declining proportion of people eventually marry .
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