Example sentences of "but it [is] impossible [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 There are musty bookcases , vases , various paintings and pieces of sculpture , but it is impossible to see anything clearly because of the absence of electric lights .
2 But it is impossible to continue writing in that vein without a feeling of disgust .
3 But it is impossible to force a horse to win if the talent is n't there .
4 But it is impossible to say whether a structure , along the lines alleged , exists .
5 But it is impossible to say whether this was because the partner 's monitoring of management boosted efficiency or because the Morgan association generally indicated a monopoly .
6 Hunsdon himself died in debt , but it is impossible to say whether this was the consequence of high expenses at court or whether he was typical : in the upper reaches of royal service , where conspicuous consumption was demanded , much would depend upon luck .
7 But it is impossible to say at what point along the continuum the change from one form of the language to another occurs , or to determine how many distinct forms there are .
8 The curlew are probably local birds , but it is impossible to assess the status of the plovers while they are in winter plumage and have lost their black ‘ shirt front ’ .
9 It is a kind of given , something of which we do have direct acquaintance , but it is impossible to give any analysis of it .
10 Mr. Perry also referred to the legislation which governs council houses in Scotland but it is impossible to imply in the Act of 1985 express words which the legislature chose to insert in the Rent Acts and in the Scottish Act ( Housing ( Scotland ) Act 1987 ) but chose not to insert in the Act of 1985 .
11 It would not be lawful for a grant maintained school to reject children with special needs who were otherwise eligible for admission but it is impossible to legislate against the temptation to work towards greater academic activity or to concentrate on subjects which are regarded as prestigious by the potential client group .
12 But it is impossible to accept that he acted alone in such an amateurish manner .
13 Not only does it make us horribly uncomfortable and ill-at-ease but it is impossible to disguise the voice .
14 It was written and painted with outstanding expertise about the year 800 AD in a monastery scriptorium , but it is impossible to identify where this monastery was located .
15 It must be understood that we can separate the operations data from maintenance data but it is impossible to separate the knowledge ( operations from maintenance ) mainly because it is too closely inter-related .
16 Any models in contact with the Steam Tank in the combat phase can fight a round of hand-to-hand combat as normal , but it is impossible to win a round of combat against the Steam Tank .
17 It seems churlish to denigrate a show that offers as much humour and sharp observation as this one , but it is impossible to escape the conclusion that Reflected Glory finally adds up to less than the sum of its parts .
18 Alloy would be very good but it is impossible to get the fittings .
19 Yeah , but it 's impossible to retain them with two four bedroomed houses , now is n't it ?
20 Mm , but it 's impossible to prove that is
21 That part of the package has to be right , but it 's impossible to separate it from the consultation that goes on between the customer and the supplier before the sale is clinched .
22 There 's a crush over by the door in one of the rooms , with flashbulbs going off every few seconds , but it 's impossible to get near enough to see .
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