Example sentences of "but [vb base] not forget that " in BNC.

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1 This is true , but do not forget that he spent many hours a day thinking about his problem over seven years .
2 You may call the people a mob ; but do not forget that a mob too often speaks the sentiments of the people .
3 ( But do n't forget that you still need to make sure you start with the right sum insured and to tell us if you improve your home or add to your possessions . )
4 ‘ It 's awful when you lose a pet , but do n't forget that Brownies smile in time of trouble , and that 's just when the smile is most needed .
5 You will already have considered most of the factors under ‘ operational implications ’ , but do n't forget that you need to allow for the tea , coffee and biscuits that the second conference will be consuming in substantial quantities .
6 Yes , he was fascinated by Suedehead and its lurid tale of violence against blacks and homosexuals , but do n't forget that as a kid he had a strong affection for gore and horror in general .
7 But do n't forget that you can keep on using your FlexiLoan until you reach your borrowing limit .
8 But do n't forget that you only pay interest on the amount you actually borrow .
9 But do n't forget that those can always be in reverse , and if you look at the , there 's a chart , which shows five year periods wh where shares did n't make any profits at all .
10 But do n't forget that over a longer period , shares are bound to do better .
11 But do n't forget that that is not an additional charge to you .
12 But do n't forget that their letter really addressed three fundamental issues .
13 Most of the people who were in the street at that time would have been in one or other of the pubs , but do n't forget that the harbour is full of craft of all sorts and there are sure to have been people aboard some of them . ’
14 Wh when he went into erm , when he went into Strasbourg with the garrison , he was very well received , because he was an officer , he was a gentleman , he was a musician , he was a composer , and he became very friendly with the Mayor of Strasbourg , whose name was Dietrich a very German sounding name , but do n't forget that Strasbourg is very near to the German border .
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