Example sentences of "but [adv] [pers pn] 's [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 erm but luckily she 's rubbed it out with thingy so
2 There have been scientific developments , of course , in chemistry , but perhaps it 's seen now as being more important in the context of the contribution it 's making to other important areas such as biology , environmental science and so forth .
3 Erm it is a social gathering and whether people get er , er get rooked er , they get done or whether they get a bargain or whatever happens , they , they seem to enjoy it , but nevertheless it 's done according to whether you want to make money , the person owning the land wants to make a bit of money , there are a number of entrepeneurs who actually arrange and the middleman who actually goes round booking up the sites and so when you 're talking about charity a charity will get it organised for you by an entre , entrepeneur and then there 's the er the er the traders themselves , some of whom may be purely independent , some the , some may be obviously dealing with that ta erm that kind of aspect which is not exactly possibly legal .
4 She got , she only won ten thousand , but like I mean , not ten thousand , yeah ten thousand , yeah ten thousand but like she 's got a lot of money anyway like .
5 But now she 's gone on holiday for a whole month and so we do n't have a drier .
6 But now she 's left and she 's had a baby and I carried on because he wanted it , the the new landlord wanted me to stop on and help out .
7 All right , nine was a little young for her first sexual encounter , but now she 's come to like it she 's become such a friendly child .
8 But now it 's made of stonework or or concrete .
9 This lovely supple rubber here is exactly the same supple rubber here at one time but now it 's gone all hard and denatured because of the chemicals .
10 But now it 's gone too far . ’
11 Well , Christmas was great but now it 's gone for another year .
12 But now it 's gone down , but there 's no ulcer she had a laparotomy on Friday the tube .
13 Er that was when I was there but now it 's pumped ashore with well by hose from the ship you know and er they put water in about once or twice a year .
14 The bad weather is being blamed for the empty seats , but now it 's cleared up they are confident of full houses until the run ends on April 15th .
15 But now it 's run out I do n't bother .
16 Within a week , she was back to normal but now it 's happened again and I feel anxious to know more about it .
17 But now it 's thought it may have been plundered from the pension fund , and passed to Phusi through an intermediate company .
18 But now it 's got red across it , failed !
19 ‘ Not primarily , but now it 's come up we might as well talk about it .
20 I 'm thinking about marketing my services on quality and relating to customers in a way that I 'd just begun to think of before but now it 's come right to the front .
21 You know up the side street but now it 's used as a as a store house but you can tell it 's a it 's an old establishme and and they used to get full you know .
22 AT LEAST Barnet players could always turn to Barry Fry , but now he 's gone , they are prepared to follow him out of the club in a mass exodus .
23 Well it 's been there for the past two weeks but now he 's gone to l get a house .
24 But now he 's put a casual bar in as well .
25 i i i in a sense it is a , it is a shift to the left because under the May the fourth directive erm rich peasants in particular would 've been left out of it altogether and there would still be some landlords who were , who would maintain their property but , but now he 's shifted to the left and this , this does represent a further attack on landlords cos , cos everybody comes down to the same level .
26 But then he had no adjustments to make here , he 'd no other income to collect but here he 's got three sources of income to be collected out of his on the pension only .
27 I I left it with Stuart to arrange all that but maybe he 's got the hire from Friday to Friday .
28 I think there are again arguments about what 's the most effective way to act here because it 's been proposed some people have thrown into discussion the idea that college bars might have more restrictive policies , but then it 's said actually the most problematic forms of drunkenness are those which involve heavy drinking in private .
29 The SAS Royal is pricey , but then it 's got the only atrium in town ( incorporating a stretch of the old city wall ) and bedrooms in a choice of four styles ( Lower Town , 47 Rue du Fossé-aux-Loups , telephone 02/5118888 , cost : 10,500 fr ) .
30 But then it 's left altogether int it ?
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