Example sentences of "but [pron] do not believe " in BNC.

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1 But I do not believe the demonstrations were in vain , because the spirit of freedom has been rekindled among the Chinese people , ’ he said .
2 But I do not believe that we can assemble a majority for anything as negative as ‘ get the Tories out ’ .
3 But I do not believe that H. Ward Marston 's transfers are surpassable , and am grateful that the surface noise of the original discs remains intact rather than being artificially eliminated .
4 Of course there is drug abuse in athletics , but I do not believe that it is as widespread as the press and some of the anti-campaigners make out .
5 If the logic behind the proposals was accurate , I would have no objection to them , but I do not believe it is .
6 Some of the European Court of Justice 's opinions can be quite ‘ woolly ’ and do leave themselves open to a wider interpretation , but I do not believe that the opinion was meant to be interpreted so widely as to provide for an auditor recognised in one member state to practise in a second member state without any requirement to obtain local authorisation .
7 In March , Alan Wright , chairman of the Northern Ireland Police Federation , protested in a public speech , ‘ The government says there are 14,500 troops here , but I do not believe it . ’
8 But I do not believe that these trends fundamentally affect my case , for the most radical criticisms of medicine come , not from such illness groups , but from ‘ minorities ’ who have seen medical dominance as reproducing the class relations which have brought about their oppressed status , e. g. radical women 's movements and black urban Americans .
9 But I do not believe that financial rewards are themselves enough or are important except in the Herzberg terms .
10 I think a medical problem different say for instance for myself I got an awful bash on the nose playing badminton and they thought it was broken , however it mended and I wished it had broken because its mended a bit , but I do not believe in spending money on cosmetic surgery because I think if you make the best of what you have and think of all the people were mutilated by disease
11 But I do not believe that for I have felt those powers .
12 ‘ Yes , but I do not believe it , ’ I replied .
13 But I do not believe you — and I am unlikely to be won over by repetition .
14 We can not afford to be complacent , but I do not believe complacency is in the vocabulary of any one of you .
15 I have considered the matter and I shall continue to do so , but I do not believe that there has been any dereliction of duty in this important matter .
16 My hon. Friend 's heart is in the right place , but I do not believe that his precise proposal would have the effect that he has in mind .
17 I share some of my hon. Friend 's views , but I do not believe that the House is yet ready to accept a proposal from the Government that will command wide support from a large number of hon. Members .
18 The size of the problem is comparable , but I do not believe that the post-war reconstruction programme in Europe is a good model for what is required in the Commonwealth of Independent States .
19 I have great faith in locally-elected planning committees , but I do not believe that they are in a position to scrutinise the NRA 's proposals in the comprehensive way that that proposed expenditure clearly warrants .
20 I welcome the Bill , but I do not believe it goes far enough .
21 The second is to increase the establishment of HMI so that it employs thousands of people , but I do not believe that a centralised civil service approach is desirable .
22 No one wants to see students forced to abandon their studies for financial reasons and no one wants to see students in hardship , but I do not believe that students are abandoning their studies for financial reasons .
23 I wish my right hon. Friend luck in his negotiations over the common agricultural policy , but I do not believe that if it were modified , as a result of my right hon. Friend 's efforts , to suit all our needs , the British farming industry would be able to take sufficient advantage of the improved conditions if its own marketing arrangements had not also been improved .
24 But I do not believe that one goes as far as going to the figure that the County Council is proposing .
25 But I do not believe we can truly follow that great commandment unless we have a concept of care and concern for our fellow citizens which is reflected in the organisation of our society .
26 It would be possible to extend our framework to distinguish between these possibilities , but I do not believe it would be profitable to do so .
27 But you do not believe .
28 But you did not believe in her ignorance . ’
29 But she did not believe it could become a reality unless much more money was forthcoming .
30 She had seen it , but she did not believe it .
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