Example sentences of "but [art] quality of the " in BNC.

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1 The book has been well edited but the quality of the typescript is variable .
2 The pace of Bob Daynes gave Crossley a nervous afternoon , but the quality of the final ball was wanting .
3 Its popularity is still high but the quality of the mass-produced , growth-promoted product of today is far below the standard of the succulent farmhouse bacon of the past .
4 Peter Holman 's exemplary notes suggest that Jenkins composed these works in his 20s or 30s , but the quality of the music seem to belie that generally accepted claim : it is difficult to imagine such depth of repose in so young a man — though that in turn gives the modern listener a clue as to why Jenkins was such a respected and well-loved figure in his day .
5 The action on both guitars is maybe slightly higher than some players would like , but the quality of the necks and the height of the saddles leaves room for adjustment .
6 But by the nature of the staff that we have in this school , I do n't know whether Mr Goddard deliberately tries to surround himself with fools so that the school will collapse when he leaves , but the quality of the people that he has , in terms of having a broad idea of education is just a non-starter .
7 But the quality of the climbing at all grades is still enough to make a two or three day visit worthwhile for anyone climbing from HVS ?
8 But the quality of the housing then further declined and indigenous families tended to move out of the area .
9 In the adjacent parish of Winstone , however , there is also evidence of an early church , particularly obvious inside from the chancel arch and blocked north doorway and window , but the quality of the work here is not so fine .
10 In the last decade or so of his reign , approximately 100 mints functioned ( even if not all did so continuously ) : for the volume of the coinage they produced , only a " ball-park estimate " can be given — perhaps tens of millions of coins — but the quality of the coins has recently been very precisely determined : whereas before 864 many coins were debased by up to 50 per cent , after 864 a silver-content of well over 90 per cent was secured across the board .
11 Few of these people — at least at first — questioned the importance of the sacraments , but the quality of the life that was led was very important to them .
12 The more important part of a plan is not the detailed figures but the quality of the thinking from which the ligures are developed .
13 But the quality of the reflection is very dependent on the questioning skills of the teacher .
14 But the quality of the soil has helped protect this part of the past for present day archeologists to observe .
15 But the quality of the soil has helped protect this part of the past for present day archeologists to observe .
16 The last time Oxford and Swindon met in January , the fog was coming down but the quality of the football was clear to see .
17 They have a silver thread running through them and the Queen 's head watermark , but the quality of the paper used is not so good , said a police spokesman .
18 The ‘ falseness ’ of the consciousness that produces ideology is not a quality of its location in the mode of production but a quality of the individual 's failure to understand the ‘ real motive forces impelling him ’ .
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