Example sentences of "not least for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I take off my hat to you for many things — not least for the way you have kept the economy going these ten years .
2 It tasted far worse than I imagine my four-day-old socks would — a memorable moment remembered for the wrong reason , not least for the expression of anguish on Pete 's face as the brew hit his tonsils .
3 There were many then and there have been many since who believed the Rosenbergs were victims of an FBI frame-up but the American people were baying for scapegoats , not least for the grave reverses in Korea .
4 Of equal importance ( not least for the benefit of future researchers ) is the recording of the existence and activities of present-day organisations such as those already listed .
5 According to the preamble of the Act , it has become clear that the setting up of a stock exchange was necessary for ‘ enhancing the flow of capital and for the creation of a market in securities ’ , and last but not least for the purpose of protecting the interests of investors .
6 The cost of this story was very high , not least for the time , materials and manpower needed to build the ‘ giant ’ sets and props ( the sink , the telephone , the briefcase , the lab bench , etc. ) , all of which had to be robust enough for the regular cast to clamber around .
7 The La Guardia flightpath problems apart , one of the main reasons why the current Flushing Meadow is a practical disaster , not least for the world 's media , marooned 120 ′ above the Centre Court , where it is impossible to tell the difference between a drive and a lob , is that because of the short time available , they did try ( albeit with their best efforts ) , to adapt the old Louis Armstrong concert stadium into a tennis arena , rather than start from scratch .
8 I am therefore not Christian not least for the sake of the kind of human relationships which I want to see flourish .
9 Nonetheless , he knew himself that he had to learn to draw the ball — not least for the tee shots at Augusta .
10 Ballesteros should provide some badly needed colour , not least for the television sets of the patrons in Japan .
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