Example sentences of "not easily be [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The pictures look like war photos and the costs will not easily be assessed but the first estimates to repair the damages run between $2.5 and $4 million .
2 This is a conflict of interest which can not easily be overcome and hardly augurs well for the future reconciliation of the differences between the agricultural and non-agricultural rural population .
3 English poststructuralists , when wearing their Marxist hats , would undoubtedly want to insist that ideas belong in larger contexts , social , cultural , and political , and can not easily be abstracted and appropriated to other ends .
4 However , so long as the images are in analogue form , they can not easily be processed and manipulated .
5 For instance , a product may carry a price which can not easily be reduced or discounted , for instance because of the need to cover heavy Research and Development costs .
6 It should then contain a generative formulation which can not easily be suppressed or denied ( T. Turner 1977 ) , for such domains of power lying between functional systems of control and disorder are , as Victor Turner ( 1977 : 45 ) reminds us , ‘ not merely reversive , they are often subversive , representing radical critiques of the central structures [ of a system ] ’ .
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