Example sentences of "not be allowed [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 To make matters worse for Rangers , they will not be allowed to attend the UEFA disciplinary hearing in Zurich later this month that will decide Hateley 's fate .
2 Evaluation has its own jargon and this can be a major stumbling block , leading the Working Party on Training specifically to suggest that this should not be allowed to confuse the issue :
3 As the hon. Gentleman and I know , it is usual to ask questions of visiting heads of state , but I suspect that we would not be allowed to ask the Queen any questions .
4 An orientation towards the pressures in the CAB today makes the reiteration of the opening words important : that problems must not be allowed to overshadow the fact that 15,000 people in the UK are experiencing satisfaction , involvement and a sense of achievement within their communities through their work in a Citizens Advice Bureau .
5 The debate about integration of handicapped and disabled children in ordinary schools should not be allowed to overshadow the movement for curriculum reform in the schools themselves .
6 These job descriptions are also contained in Appendix A. Although a familiarity with these tasks on paper is important to achieve an understanding of bureau work , their expansiveness should not be allowed to deter the potential applicant .
7 Journalists who reported to Gaza Barracks at 7.15am as instructed were told they would not be allowed to witness the exercise , which involved 24 Airmobile Brigade , North Yorkshire Police , fire and ambulance services , the county emergency planning department and ‘ casualties ’ from Longlands College , Middlesbrough .
8 The student must not be allowed to leave the ward with the feeling expressed by Sir John Davies in Nosce Teipsum :
9 A self-portrait and a portrait by Jean-Baptiste Greuze were bought in at a sale held at Drouot by Laurin-Guilloux-Buffetaud-Tailleur on 10 March after French museum authorities notified the auction firm the same day that the first work might not be allowed to leave the country .
10 If the checks fail , then the user will not be allowed to generate the listings .
11 It could not be allowed to represent the nation in arms .
12 It accounts for the decision of the Council of Jerusalem that the issue of circumcision must not be allowed to split the Church ( Acts 15 ) .
13 Mr. Watkinson accepted that the closing words of section 69(1) place a difficulty in his way , but he maintained that this difficulty can not be allowed to outweigh the clear words of Lord Bridge of Harwich .
14 If the debtor fails to comply with this rule , there appears to be no sanction against him in terms that he would not be allowed to oppose the petition .
15 In all cases insulation material must not be allowed to block the ventilation openings .
16 But if Marx 's arguments were valid in their historical context , they should not be allowed to block the development of concrete proposals which , although not acting as historical blueprints , could help to more accurately define , and hence mobilise support for , socialist objectives .
17 Held , dismissing the appeal , ( 1 ) that either the mother as donee of the power of attorney had possessed sufficient general understanding and capability to have satisfied herself regarding the purport and effect of the transfer document and had failed to do so , or she had lacked ordinary competence and capacity , in which case the defendant , as donor , could not be allowed to repudiate the transfer to an innocent third party ; that , if the case was that the defendant had failed to inform the donee of the power of attorney , that lack of care also precluded him from relying on her ignorance of the power ; and that , therefore , the fact that the mother had been tricked into signing the transfer document without reading it , was not sufficient to sustain a plea of non est factum ( post , p. 679A–F ) .
18 They will not be allowed to use the new equipment or the new buildings .
19 Third party creditors could not be allowed to use the forum of the English courts to interfere with the performance of an international treaty .
20 The alternative if the British public turns a blind eye , she believes , is the prospect of a dark day when , because of the colour of their skin , two young Middlesbrough-born and bred women may not be allowed to reach the safety of their home .
21 But since ministers , including the Prime Minister , are so fond of using statistics for the purposes of debate , they can not be allowed to make the contradictory claim that these figures are irrelevant .
22 The child has no awareness of danger and must not be allowed to make the decision about levels of independence .
23 Of all organisations , it has an interest in ensuring that those who apply for asylum as a means of avoiding immigration regulations should not be allowed to enter the country .
24 All service vehicles apart from bullion and post office vans will also not be allowed to enter the areas between restricted hours .
25 In further negotiations with the centre on July 3 , the republics ' delegations demanded more concessions , including republican control over local defence industry enterprises and over import-export licensing , joint control of customs , and the guarantee that autonomous republics would not be allowed to sign the Union Treaty independently — an important clause for the Russian Federation which included 16 autonomous republics .
26 PR , they say , can not be allowed to obscure the other changes which Labour must make : a drastic reduction in the influence of the trade unions , which voters find increasingly repellent , and recruitment of a broader basis of support .
27 The Institution of Civil Engineers said in evidence to the Lords : ‘ The fact that there has been no major disaster in the United Kingdom for more than 50 years should not be allowed to obscure the ever-increasing danger in the future .
28 None the less , the attention they have rightly drawn to parochial religion and to non-predestinarian elements within the church should not be allowed to obscure the fact that during the period from 1560 to 1625 credal predestinarianism claimed the allegiance of the great majority of Elizabethan and Jacobean churchmen , or that during the 1630s this creed came under a concerted and unprecedented attack from the ecclesiastical authorities .
29 Whatever one 's interpretation of these events , however , attempts to explain away the chronological oddity of the attack on Hastings should not be allowed to obscure the fact that in practice it did not stop Richard taking control of the duke of York .
30 The dispute between the volunteer and the professional is likely to continue but it should not be allowed to obscure the fact that the skills of the good adviser are not necessarily professional skills , nor are they especially lawyerly skills .
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