Example sentences of "was [vb pp] for a further " in BNC.

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1 After injection , bile was collected for a further three house .
2 After this , pentagastrin ( 6 µg/kg ) was administered subcutaneously and gastric juice was collected for a further 60 minutes for estimation of maximal and peak acid output .
3 In elections held on March 28-30 , President Robert Mugabe was re-elected for a further term , and his ruling ZANU-PF party won 116 of the 120 elective seats in a restructured 150-member House of Assembly .
4 On March 20 Lee was re-elected for a further six-year presidential term .
5 René was re-elected for a further five-year term on June 9-11 , 1989 [ see p. 36729 ] .
6 Elections to the 125 elective seats in the Assembly last took place in October 1988 ; at the same time the President was re-elected for a further five-year term , having held the office since independence [ see pp. 36264-65 ] .
7 After a two minute exposure to acid , the perfusion was resumed for a further 90 minute period .
8 The tank was left for a further two weeks , during which regular checks were made on the quality of the water .
9 The meal was given with an additional volume of 500 ml water and imaging was continued for a further 40 minutes after the meal .
10 The ban on political activity imposed when the NRM came to power was extended for a further five years in March 1990 .
11 The mandate of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon ( UNIFIL ) , deployed in southern Lebanon since 1978 , was extended for a further six-month term on July 31 .
12 Little seemed in Mrs Whitehouse 's eyes to change at the BBC and , in early 1964 , the Corporation 's Charter was renewed for a further twelve years without any of the additional ‘ safeguards ’ that Mrs Whitehouse would have liked to have seen written in .
13 His contract with the Royal College , due to end in September 1953 , was renewed for a further five years after that date .
14 Fasting was maintained for a further 2 hours , after which a normal diet was permitted .
15 Chadli was elected for a further term as chairman of the FLN .
16 Elections were last held in August 1987 [ see p. 35490 ] , when the ruling coalition was returned for a further term of office .
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