Example sentences of "was [adv] concerned about the " in BNC.

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1 I was most concerned about the implication that breastfeeding leaves breasts looking drained , saggy and helpless ( Little or large ? ,
2 Byron Rogers , writing eloquently in the Sunday Express Magazine , was most concerned about the confusion of possessions Hannah had crammed into her new home : ‘ I offered advice .
3 The Philips Report was so concerned about the increasing proportion of elderly people in the population that it thought some rise in the minimum pension-age inevitable .
4 What Mickey did not know was that Mrs Moon was so concerned about the loss of her pension book that she had offered £1,000,000 to anyone who found it !
5 He was especially concerned about the prevalence of Antinomian teachings amongst the soldiers .
6 Mr Blatchford was especially concerned about the family — by which he meant the heterosexual , patriarchal family which he regarded as sacred in Labour 's pantheon .
7 Lastly , the Government was obviously concerned about the way the press and radio could , by their manner of reporting , either build up or damage the reputations of political figures .
8 The next case concerns Mrs. C. She wrote to me about her student son and was greatly concerned about the plight of all students this summer due to the Government 's changes in social security rules .
9 The Group was extremely concerned about the overall small size of the budget , and suggests that if additional funds are not made available , the scientific work of some staff will be hindered .
10 the National government failed to convince informed opinion that it was genuinely concerned about the spread of Fascism .
11 Captain Faulknor was still concerned about the ship 's speed and said to Jenking , ‘ that it would be better to stand out to sea for the night . ’
12 The only linguist on my Working Group , Professor Michael Stubbs ( Professor of Education at the University of London Institute of Education ) , proved more radical than Professor Brown in his ideas about the teaching of language , and was deeply concerned about the problems of British ethnic communities and of multi-cultural education .
13 He was deeply concerned about the need to improve social conditions ; but he concluded that the economy had the capacity for recovery and expansion to create more and better jobs and argued that government intervention was more likely to harm than to assist that process .
14 The president was more concerned about the loss of jobs .
15 But Henry was more concerned about the political repercussions of the advances he was making on the Continent than about the troubles of the church of Canterbury .
16 She was more concerned about the police .
17 But right now she was more concerned about the effect her behaviour might have had on his offer to her mother .
18 He was more concerned about the red weed , currently spreading over the surface of this world .
19 He was more concerned about the red weed paralysing the planet .
20 The legal profession was also concerned about the outcome of the Leonard Arthur case .
21 This respondent was also concerned about the failure of social workers to work for rehabilitation , stating , ‘ There are lots of social workers who think it quite appropriate to take a child away from dodgy natural parents and work avidly towards replacing it with adoptive ones . ’
22 Having visited other long-stay institutions to make some notes about comparable conditions and arrangements , the district administrator was also concerned about the strain on staff imposed by such long hours .
23 He was also concerned about the influenza epidemics and studied the virus involved .
24 The House of Commons Committee on Education , Science and Arts ( Education , Science and Arts Committee , 1981 ) was also concerned about the way subject traditions defend their own patch , with the result that pupils receive an offering of a series of unrelated specialisms , and it was anxious to encourage a more holistic consideration of the curriculum .
25 He was also concerned about the reliability of the data : for example , that no measure of agreement was given for observations made when pairs of inspectors were present in the same classroom .
26 It was also concerned about the problems of financing small businesses — in particular , the difficulties encountered by very small firms in obtaining venture capital , where the risk element is different in kind from large-scale high-risk industrial financing .
27 The scribe of S 961 , extant on its original single sheet of parchment , was equally concerned about the aesthetics of his product , and as an archbishop and four bishops are balanced by five abbots , and three earls by three priests , the list seems to have been curtailed so that the different orders match .
28 The newly appointed Minister of Information and Broadcasting , Paul Etyang , told a gathering of Christian communicators in Kampala that he was particularly concerned about the widespread distribution of pornographic films which pose a danger to Uganda 's youth .
29 Geaga was particularly concerned about the presence of fighters loyal to his arch-rival , Elie Hobeika .
30 In addition , France was increasingly concerned about the deterioration of its economic position , particularly with regard to that of West Germany .
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