Example sentences of "was [art] [noun] [prep] whom " in BNC.

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1 It was the women to whom he turned for comfort .
2 However , there were no dramatic confessions of faulty flight practices for the same reason as in the USA , namely that the CAA was the organisation to whom incident reports were ( and are ) to be addressed and also the authority responsible for enforcement of aviation legislation , i.e. the prosecutor of wrong-doers .
3 Her father , Richard Rollerson , was the physician to whom James was attached at St Bartholomew 's , and he had cultivated Maud Rollerson 's friendship early for the purpose of improving his status with his tutor .
4 He realized the importance of kinship systems for the Indians and how for them most social relationships were seen in terms of who was the child of whom and who was married to whom .
5 This was the man to whom all things were known ; this was the king who knew the countries of the world .
6 Ken believed that Orton was the man to whom to go when he was down .
7 She was hit by a wave of familiarity ; the sudden realisation that this was the man with whom she had shared so much , if only for a very short time .
8 " José Churruca " was the boy in whom his father saw " either a great soldier or a saint " and the man who , as an army officer , fought heroically for the Nationalists ( at the head of a unit of Legionnaires ) in order to save the Fatherland from chaos and destruction .
9 This was the friend of whom Vera had spoken .
10 He was the funnel through whom all subsequent experience of the Spirit of God would be mediated .
11 Then said he , I am Saint Lazarus , and know that I was the leper to whom thou didst so much good and so great honour for the love of God ; and because thou didst this for his sake hath God now granted thee a great gift ; for whensoever that breath which thou hast felt shall come upon thee whatever thing thou desires to do , and shalt then begin , that shalt thou accomplish to thy heart 's desire , whether it be in battle or aught else , so thy honour shall go on increasing from day to day ; and thou shalt be feared both by Moors and Christians , and thy enemies shall never prevail against thee , and thou shalt die an honourable death in thine own house , and in thy renown , for God hath blessed thee ; — therefore go thou on , and evermore persevere in doing good ; and with that he disappeared .
12 After our first Report the tabloid journalists enjoyed themselves by writing provocative articles about how I was the professor for whom correct English did not matter .
13 It was interesting to hear different views , and yet we all agreed that it was the people with whom we shared our home that mattered most .
14 Moses , the great man , the father of the Jewish people , was the authority for whom the renunciations were performed .
15 They were the disciples of one Malam Ibrahim , a teacher of the Koran whose studies had slowly convinced him that the Jesus of whom he read in its pages was the mediator through whom the prayers of the faithful are offered up to the All-Merciful .
16 She was the teacher with whom John 's half-sister had studied in Cape Town .
17 Little did they know this was the fellow for whom The Flippity Flop Young Man was written , and I was n't about to tell them .
18 I was beginning to think that I was a person with whom no one could live .
19 Regular worshippers may have been as sparse then as they are today but he was a person to whom one turned in times of trouble , just as he was called on at times of family celebration .
20 ‘ He was a gentleman on whom I built
21 Louis was a man to whom error was unforgivable , in himself as much as in his associates or employees .
22 They said that Reza Aah was a man to whom mo one dared to lie .
23 He was a man to whom fair dealing came naturally and he was a just , if firm , master .
24 He was a man for whom Catholicity was reduced to its Evangelical essentials — the love of God , a burning desire that people should know and love his Saviour , and a great belief in the power of prayer .
25 He was a man with whom , often far into the night , I have had the most challenging and memorable scientific discussions of my life .
26 He had little success , however , in his efforts to persuade the Dutch that Sukarno was a man with whom they could do business and found himself a reluctant pig in the middle , reviled by one side as a fascist imperialist and by the other as an irresponsible revolutionary .
27 One interesting visitor was a man with whom I had a long and interesting talk .
28 Perhaps I could tell Norman he was a godson with whom I 'd lost touch when his real mother died ?
29 To me , as to so many others , David was a friend on whom I could rely .
30 The wife of the commissioning client was a woman for whom chastity was perhaps the foremost virtue in her repertoire .
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