Example sentences of "was [verb] clear [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Half-way through the twentieth century it was becoming clear to the more perceptive analysts that , whatever the political limitations might or might not be to that form of growth , there were ecological limitations looming on the horizon .
2 A few minutes later Wayne McDowell , he played the ball out to brother Gary again , whose hard low cross was scrambled clear by the Almondsbury defence to back to Wayne McDowell whose lob shot ended up resting in the top of the netting .
3 The American was streaking clear in the 100 metres hurdles when she hit the last barrier and crashed to the ground .
4 It was always part of the process whose importance was made clear at the outset .
5 Their position was made clear following the publication of a study they commissioned into improving road links across the Pennines between Manchester and Sheffield .
6 The attitude of the Unionist ministers was made clear during the afternoon .
7 The intention behind the reforms was made clear in the famous words : ‘ [ the conception of the juvenile ] as primarily a little wage-earner , was to give way to the conception of him ‘ as primarily the workman and citizen in training ’ .
8 This was made clear in the circular accompanying the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978 ( DoE , 1978 ) .
9 The reason we leased the Buckfastleigh Branch to the S.R.D.T. was made clear in the press release at the time , of which we enclose a copy .
10 The submission was however inconsistent with the law as stated by this House in Reg. v. Governor of Pentonville Prison , Ex parte Sinclair [ 1991 ] 2 A.C. 64 , 81–92 , in which it was made clear in the speech of Lord Ackner ( with which the remainder of the Appellate Committee agreed ) that , under the provisions of the Extradition Act 1870 , the powers of the magistrate are specifically laid down in sections 3(1) , 8 , 9 and 10 of the Act ; and that in consequence , apart from consideration where appropriate whether the offence in question was an offence of a political character , the magistrate is not concerned with questions of foreign law at all , being concerned only with committal proceedings under English procedure in relation to an English crime or crimes specified in the Secretary of State 's order to proceed .
11 Yet , as was made clear in the community power debate , methodology is closely related to the nature of the conclusions reached .
12 As was made clear in the debate today , there is agreement — on both sides , I think — on the latter parts of the Bill dealing with higher education , although here , too , we are providing reasonable time for consideration in Committee .
13 A Prison Office spokesman denied the allegations , claiming : ‘ It was made clear in the autumn statement last year that there would be no construction work on the jail until 1995/6 .
14 A Prison Office spokesman denied the allegations , claiming : ‘ It was made clear in the autumn statement last year that there would be no construction work on the jail until 1995/6 .
15 But a Home Office spokesman denied the allegations , claiming : ‘ It was made clear in the autumn statement last year that there would be no construction work on the jail until 1995/6 .
16 We wish to point out , as was made clear in the report itself , that the reference was not to Lothian Enterprise — established in 1988 as the venture capital arm of Lothian Regional Council — but to Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise ( LEEL ) .
17 While the visit was , of course , an unofficial one , it had a serious purpose which was made clear by the discussions about the problems facing France .
18 This was made clear by the Court of Appeal in Rapier v London Tramways Co . ,
19 Finally , the process of the ban was made clear by the Authorities , and the various stages were well documented .
20 However , as was made clear by the Divisional Court , the release of a life sentence prisoner is solely at my discretion and it is for me to decide , after receiving the Parole Board 's recommendation and after consulting the judiciary as required by section 61(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , when actual release should take place .
21 This was made clear by the House of Lords in the leading case of Helby v. Matthews ( 1895 ) .
22 Somervillians have never lacked energy , as was made clear by the first of ourJills of All Trades , Ruth Spalding .
23 This was made clear by the House of Lords in the landmark case of Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [ 1986 ] AC 112 .
24 Now he was riding clear in the front , and so , on each wing , were Cormac and Ferteth , their shields held before them .
25 The intensity of these hatreds was such as to ensure that at the christening of a male child his right hand was kept clear of the water so that it would be free for unhallowed retribution upon family enemies .
26 And when Saunders was sent clear in the 40th minute , Seaman saved at point-blank range on the edge of his area .
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