Example sentences of "is meant to be [art] " in BNC.

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1 And even Jenny , who is meant to be a mistress of plain speech , is allowed , in this comparatively austere book , a quiet felicity of phrase based on the justice of her perceptions .
2 With such an inauspicious start to the congress which is meant to be a demonstration of unity , the organisers have had to take precautions .
3 Sikhism is a comparatively new religion and is meant to be a religion of reform which rejects both the caste system and the oppression of women .
4 This book is meant to be a layman 's guide to the evolution of the smaller English house .
5 The biographer of Edward the Confessor shows us ( in what is meant to be a panegyric ) the picture of a thoroughly idle king , who spent much of his time ‘ in the glades and woods in the pleasures of hunting ’ .
6 But this guitar is meant to be a tribute and if you are going to do the job properly , then details like this should n't be overlooked , whether the Floyd is better or not than the original .
7 This book is meant to be a starting point , a complete source book that enables the knitter to begin creating original and distinctive fabrics .
8 Henson has done a lovely job of placing his famous characters in the novel 's context while never letting us forget that this is meant to be a huge extravaganza .
9 As the skin is meant to be a barrier , you would not want any cleansing product to penetrate too deeply — nor do they .
10 It is meant to be a 12 day walk but because of its convoluted shape the circuit can easily be shortened , for instance two of the days are more or less optional .
11 ‘ If you have a room which is meant to be a meeting place of all the chief Daleks , and what they 're talking about is power — power over other civilisations , power over other planets — then power and domination is what comes through in the dialogue , and is the feeling behind what you want to create .
12 If the hero is meant to be a man of authority used to being obeyed , he should be shown as such and the other characters should react to him accordingly …
13 No universal rule can be stated , because examiners differ in their practice , but nearly always there is meant to be a connection , at least if the two parts of the question are not subdivided by numbers or letters .
14 Under the 1977 Health Service Act this is meant to be a ‘ full cost ’ fee which the Secretary of State fixes .
15 The pattern on its back is meant to be a charm , you see , for easing childbirth . ’
16 I 'm not in the mood for co-stars : this is meant to be a solo .
17 Everything that 's happened here , everything that 's gone wrong , is meant to be a part of some coherent plan — the overthrow of O'Neill , the destruction of the power sharing , the jamming of the Anglo-Irish Agreement works , screwing poor old Peter Brooke .
18 They use a lot yeah the ch I put it in my I mean , I said yesterday to him , we 've got the decorators in and then co they turned round and said he is meant to be a businessman and they said he can not believe they 've never met tha such a penny pinching guy
19 There 's no toilets , nothing for them , I mean they 're doing everything in public , I mean it 's not right , it 's making life bad and this is meant to be a holiday resort .
20 According to Bartlett and Ghoshal , the transnational company is meant to be the vehicle for international marketing of the 1990s that integrates the strengths of the three former culturally-dependent types of company .
21 None of these mixed spices is meant to be the full flavouring of a dish .
22 Not so much a gentleman actually , more a devious swine , since this means I get the overhang which is meant to be the crux .
23 This is meant to be the sexy bit , but do n't get excited , chums .
24 If the Bill is meant to be the beginning of a revolution in the standard of public services to embody the Prime Minister 's so-called big idea of a citizens charter , it is a pretty poor start .
25 I think the ‘ cold star ’ is meant to be the world without life , like the rest of the planets , the star representing earth .
26 Each is meant to be an improvement on the overwhelming developers architecture of the Sixties , of which Hammersmith is a shrine .
27 ‘ The glory has departed from Israel ’ is meant to be an explanation of the name Ichabod , which means either ‘ No Glory ’ , ‘ Where is the Glory ? ’ , or ‘ Alas for the Glory ! ’ .
28 f is meant to be an estimate of the benefit gained by applying an operator .
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