Example sentences of "is best [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But this aspect of their playing is best heard in the first-movement cadenza , for elsewhere their individual and ensemble skill is not well favoured by a fairly reverberant , high-dynamic recording in which the balance allows them to be overshadowed by the orchestra .
2 There is broad recognition that that is best done in the community rather than in prison .
3 The relationship between the Review and Scrutiny is best seen within the context of the general reception given in the former journal to modernism , and especially to T. S. Eliot .
4 The strength of neo-elitism is best seen against the background of pluralism ; as a critique of pluralism it introduces the concept of non-decision-making and points up the failure of pluralist methods to define properly what is meant by the term ‘ key issues ’ .
5 The former enshrines the major cavity properties : E1 is the incident field amplitude ( normally zero in a laser ) ; t is the time for light to propagate from the cell output around to the input , equal to ( " : - — L ) /c ; 8 is the cavity mistuning , whose physical significance is best examined for the empty cavity , in steady state , whence and thus The cavity field thus has resonances spaced at intervals of in 8 , which are very sharp if R is close to unity ( high-finesse resonator ) .
6 The law as to this is best stated in the words of the judgment in Foster v. Mackinnon ( 1869 ) L.R. 4 C.P. 704 , 711 where it is said that a signature obtained by fraud ‘ is invalid not merely on the ground of fraud , where fraud exists , but on the ground that the mind of the signer did not accompany the signature ; in other words , that he never intended to sign , and therefore in contemplation of law never did sign , the contract to which his name is appended . ’
7 An individual , he maintains , is best fulfilled in the context of a strong community bound together in fellowship .
8 The ability to use tools is best documented amongst the primates .
9 It has a specific gravity of about I .4 , a refractive index of about 1.55 and is best detected by the van Wisselingh test — treatment with concentrated potassium hydroxide at 160- C for 20 minutes converts it to chitosan which gives a rose-violet colour with 0-z per cent iodine in 1 per cent sulphuric acid ( Campbell , 1929 ) .
10 For him language circumscribes and limits truth which is best represented by the way a man lives .
11 It was also increasingly a city of white-collar and service workers , but it is the first category — manual workers in small manufacturing enterprises — that is best represented among the 161 fathers .
12 In this period the trade union branch 's attitude is best expressed by the trade union negotiator himself — George Bromley JP .
13 A reader has suggested that the belated realization that you 're talking to an ex-lover is best expressed by the old Tallulah Bankhead crack : ‘ I did n't recognize you with your clothes on . ’
14 It is best expressed in the admonition ‘ To act nobly , to speak purely , and to think charitably , ’ and nothing exemplifies Leonard 's deepest nature than this triune pattern , then and now .
15 We believe that political power is best exercised at the most local level possible , consistent with good government .
16 Watten is the largest Caithness loch , three-and-a-half miles long by up to three-quarters of a mile wide , and is best fished from the boat .
17 This question is best answered by the remarks of the hon. Member for Islington , North , who courageously and clearly articulated the views of , I suspect , more than half the Members on the Opposition Benches .
18 The progressive disengagement from extra-academic concerns , particularly at the level of cultural policy , is best revealed by the Review 's approach over this whole period to the study of language .
19 But perhaps the generosity is best revealed in the anecdote rather than the manifesto :
20 Perhaps Wright 's success is best symbolized by the construction in 1869 of the roof of St Pancras station , a 240-foot tied arch of cast iron , weighing 9,000 tons , with no intermediate structure , probably then the largest single span of its kind in the world .
21 This may be derived from purely professional considerations but , realistically , it is best reinforced by the analyst having a direct ( but objective ) interest in the outcome of the analysis and the interpretation of the data .
22 If this is the case , the adjustment is best made with the strings slackened so as to reduce the possibility of damaging the knife edges on the bridgeplate .
23 Exit is best made on the right after another tunnel island and just before the junction .
24 On pages 14 and 15 , see our lovely salmon and salad menu — it 's very quick to prepare , very light , and for that special touch , the salmon is served with an impressive hollandaise sauce : this is best made at the last minute , but it 's not difficult and well worth the effort .
25 It is best made at the last possible moment , although it can be kept warm for a short time in a bowl set over a pan of hot water .
26 That choice is best made in the light of the conditions that prevail at the time .
27 Their attitude is best witnessed in the factory .
28 The alarming escalation of damages in recent cases is best explained as the response of ordinary people to falling standards in the popular press .
29 The use of neutron activation analysis is best explained by the following case study .
30 It is therefore possible that the common absence of bioturbation in laminated intervals is best explained by the high tensile strength and impenetrability of the diatom meshwork in the Thalassiothrix laminations , which physically suppress benthic activity .
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