Example sentences of "is typical [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Leonard Winbolt of Kings Lynn in Norfolk is typical of the remaining aggrieved would-be shareholders .
2 Oxfordshire 's library service is typical of the rural networks in the shire counties .
3 One of the points on the sense-spectrum presented above — and this is typical of the metaphorical variety — has a special status , which manifests itself in two principal ways .
4 It is typical of the controlling group 's over enthusiasm for the photo press opportunity that they 're anxious to sign anything , even if the policies are not clear .
5 It is typical of the right hon. Gentleman and his party to make different noises in different places .
6 But supporting a bewildering variety of good causes is typical of the famous in the late-80s .
7 He is typical of the moderate blacks now being elected in many states .
8 OK Tedi is typical of the remote and difficult locations to which Courtaulds paints have to be delivered in this part of the world .
9 This technique is typical of the Japanese projects .
10 The overview of mental health policy in the USA and Europe presented in Chapter 1 suggests that in many aspects the British case is typical of the continental process of reform .
11 This confusion is typical of the Prime Minister .
12 IT IS typical of the contrary nature of things that just as the impression grows that Rangers will progress inevitably to a higher plane and leave lesser sides to their own devices , along come Airdrie , all skint knees and sweat , to sow a couple of doubts .
13 The road is typical of the Minoan roads of Knossos .
14 Figure 1 a , for 1.75 b 1.8 , is typical of the irregular and relatively static network of ‘ D lines ’ against a background of C which arises for these b values ; one gets less connected fragments of D lines or ‘ D blinkers ’ for lower b values .
15 A simple pot-au-feu is typical of the real old Provençal cooking of the days before Provençal specialities became chic restaurant food and got fussed up and transferred into goodness knows what fantasies .
16 Allen 's comment is typical of the general approach to the role of the state and two aspects are interesting .
17 It is typical of the rampant speciesism of Homo sapiens , relentlessly poisoning the planet with its own far more disgusting wastes , that the writer of your editorial should perceive clerical inertia as a bat problem .
18 S. Mary 's Church at Sigtuna is typical of the Scandinavian brick church design , based on Baltic influences from northern Germany and Holland .
19 It is typical of the Labour party 's attitude that it would fritter away additional resources by spending more money not on increasing the number of training places but on paying more to those already in training places .
20 It is typical of the Labour party that it has not learnt a thing since .
21 It is typical of the Labour party that it loses sight of the possibility of being able to get better value for money and of being able to improve the extent to which and the way in which we can help people without always asking the taxpayer to fund more .
22 The Cheltenham & Gloucester 's approach is typical of the big lenders ' attitude to budget schemes .
23 His memo to his valet , then the late Stephen Barry , relating to the meeting is typical of the elaborate planning undertaken for the simplest royal date .
24 Such a gritty attitude is typical of the veteran Redruth prop , who looks after a flock of 530 sheep and a small herd of beef cattle on his holding close to Padstow on Cornwall 's windswept Atlantic coast .
25 This is typical of the adversarial system — a total approach in which truth emerges from conflict .
26 IT IS typical of the British approach to sport that Lester Piggott 's horrific fall last weekend has probably put the seal on his final acceptance by most of the general public .
27 Some of the causes of the crisis are familiar to other countries ( although it is typical of the little Englander approach of the federalists in Britain that they assume that Britain 's problems are unique to her ) .
28 Police Sergeant Dick Howard , here with his second family is typical of the angry ex husbands protesting at new maintenance orders .
29 The ‘ Dante ’ Sonata ( Disc 2 , track 1 ) is typical of the intelligent virtuosity which informs the whole set .
30 Encrinus is typical of the marine limestones of the Triassic of Europe .
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