Example sentences of "is held [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Segmentation based on usage contexts is held to be particularly efficient because it permits product and marketing planning to be based on customer perceptions of what is required of , or desirable in that product .
2 The taxation and social-security systems , for instance , assume that the man is working and the wife is not ; the wife is held to be financially dependent on her husband .
3 Budget maximization is held to be both rational and necessary for survival .
4 Where , however , regulation to forestall the socially damaging or self-destructive tendencies of the system or to rescue the poor is involved , state action is held to be deeply inadequate and seriously counterproductive .
5 The distinction between males and females is held to be so fundamental as to be unworthy of comment .
6 Even when the author credits the Muscovite government with moderate policies towards the Siberian natives , the motivation for its instructions that they be treated tenderly ( laskovo ) is held to be solely mercenary .
7 It will be recalled that , according to this theory , a stimulus is held to be fully effective only when it is able to generate the Al ( primary activation ) state in the node that constitutes its central representation .
8 In a nutshell , it is argued that either Van Valen 's results show linearity with time , which is held to be biologically without significance , or most do not , in which case Van Valen 's ‘ law ’ breaks down .
9 If so , Pyro has an action under the Act as personal injuries are covered by the Act ( s. 5(1) ) and none of the defences would appear to be relevant , unless Pyro is held to be contributorily negligent , when his damages would be reduced .
10 Incidentally , though Walker is held to be still more than a touch rusty after so long away from rugby — inclined , for instance , to carry the ball under the wrong arm — the rapidity with which he has come into cap contention ought to be food for thought for our own Jamie Henderson .
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