Example sentences of "is likely to be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here the writer is likely to be a practitioner , and the approach may defer to the popularity of the medium as a pastime for amateurs .
2 Colonel Blimp today is likely to be a Roundhead colonel , in his professed sentiments a Leveller , though not of course in his practices .
3 Cacoethes , whose partner has yet to be confirmed , and Carroll House , for whom the going is likely to be a little on the fast side , are also certain runners , but Luca Cumani will not decide until today whether Legal Case will take his chance .
4 If its demands for a ‘ representative ’ government are not met there is likely to be a general strike on Monday .
5 Given these difficulties , implementing the White Paper is likely to be a long haul .
6 Sugar production is likely to be a record 110m tonnes in 1990–91 .
7 The coming general election is likely to be a close one — and Punjab and Assam may make the difference between a Congress victory and defeat .
8 At present they ‘ share ’ the offence of indecent assault with many minor forms of misconduct , such as giving an unwanted kiss or fondling clothes being worn by someone else , for which the penalty is likely to be a long way down the scale .
9 The loss of a significant relationship through death is , however , likely to be one that we have not been able to prepare for much in advance , and it is likely to be a loss that we do regret .
10 For the management careers of both Dave Stringer and Malcolm Crosby , this is likely to be a crucial semi-final .
11 THE Leaning Tower of Pisa is likely to be a little more upright within two years , according to a commission of experts appointed by the Italian government to decide how to stop it collapsing .
12 The typical customer is likely to be a skilled working class male under 34 .
13 Bryan Robson is likely to be a spectator again tonight when Manchester United play Southampton .
14 With its strong commitment to economic and social development , combined with bilingual education and the promotion of Gaelic culture , it is likely to be a major force in the future .
15 Any change in formal education is likely to be a slow process of adaptation to changing circumstances , rather than a rapid shift of course .
16 Considering the vast range of secondary metabolites produced by fungi and bacteria , there is likely to be a huge number of potential uses in crop protection .
17 … traditional budgeting also has the defects of its virtues … comparing this year with last year may not mean much if the past was a mistake and the future is likely to be a bigger one .
18 The Gulf crisis brought to public attention the very large numbers of non-nationals working in the Middle East states , but there are also large non-national populations in the member states of the European Community and there is likely to be a large movement of people out of the USSR and the Eastern European countries into Western Europe now that the borders are relatively open .
19 It is not easy for them to get a meal , but if they do it is likely to be a big one .
20 But survival is not the same thing as reproduction a d there is likely to be a trade-off .
21 They have everything to gain by struggling against rivals in other wolf bodies ( although the fact that a wolf-pack is likely to be a kin group will mitigate the struggle ) .
22 But , without other changes , the result is likely to be a ‘ society of barricaded self-defence , and a steady erosion of civil liberties ’ .
23 Surprisingly though , even in what has been in recent years the most buoyant sector of oil product demand — petrol — there is likely to be a gradual lowering of demand despite increased usage of cars .
24 There is likely to be a further fall in the proportion of consumption accounted for by oil by the year 2000 — some 35% of demand in that year .
25 There is likely to be a widening gap in modern medicine between what is technically possible , what is financially feasible , and what is ethically justifiable or desirable .
26 Neither you nor your employer is likely to be a medical expert .
27 Again , there is likely to be a serious breach of natural justice if a manager , after hearing an employee 's case at a disciplinary interview or appeal meeting , has a private discussion with the person who presented the case on behalf of the company , or with a witness , before reaching his decision .
28 Deforestation in the Philippines , especially that for agricultural development , is likely to be a major handicap to its economic development unless appropriate land-use strategies are implemented .
29 If the unholy alliance in favour of the National Curriculum is likely to come apart at the seams over the issue of resource , so also , given the very different aspirations of those who support its introduction , there is likely to be a parting of the ways over principles .
30 In terms of both sharing the problem , and sharing the solution , there is likely to be a case for the establishment , in secondary schools at any rate , of consultative committees — with governor and parent representation - on curriculum and resources .
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