Example sentences of "is not true say that " in BNC.

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1 However , it is not true to say that it is dangerous to apply the opposite rudder in an incipient spin .
2 Admittedly , it is not true to say that Esau is not blessed by God .
3 It is not true to say that a menstruating woman is unclean — she has a status of tameh , a word which has been wrongly translated for years as ‘ unclean ’ but which would be much better translated as ‘ impure ’ .
4 It is not true to say that anything is justified in a good cause : vulgarity , exhibitionism and ugliness are things to be avoided .
5 But it is not true to say that a legacy or institution made in terms other than these was unquestionably void .
6 So , although it is not true to say that all tortoiseshell cats are females , it is true to say that they are all feminine — even the rare males .
7 While political organization among lesbians and gays may be taking a low profile , it is not true to say that the clocks have been turned back .
8 ‘ It is not true to say that because we are not meeting EC directives absolutely that the water is poisoned , ’ said Mr Byatt .
9 This suggest that , in many cases , it is not true to say that lobby correspondents slavishly follow the Downing Street line on a story .
10 The Government 's response was : ’ it is not true to say that the reserves are lost forever if pits currently accessing them are closed . ’
11 It is not true to say that Freshfayre contacted Compact and neither were the staff of Compact aware until much later of Mr Bell 's interests in the company .
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