Example sentences of "is bind [prep] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It is just because whatever one has planned to do is bound to be altered in the process that it is important to start at the right moment , he wrote .
2 Lincoln 's role in determining the future of the Barnes is bound to be contested bitterly .
3 One objection that is bound to be raised by those who are conditioned to defending the status quo is to point to the current labour market and the difficulties being experienced by young people attempting to find work .
4 Then Edgar appears , disguised as a poor knight whose ‘ name is lost ; /By treason 's tooth bare-gnawn , and canker-bit ’ ( 121f. ) , and by defeating him in single combat , completes the exposure of Edmund , the bastard being displayed as a hypocrite and pretender ( 162–74 ) , who in a fair contest — according to Renaissance optimism about the superiority of right — is bound to be defeated by the legitimate .
5 However , whilst Lord Denning 's view does not represent the law on this topic , it is submitted that his lack of faith in the traditional approach because the question of reasonableness is bound to be viewed with hindsight , is a valid criticism .
6 When speaking to Marco in the prison for instance , he tells him he is bound to be deported , and that there is no hope for him ; Alfieri would realise it was hard for Marco to take , but respected him enough to tell him the absolute truth .
7 Having found water , which in these circumstances is bound to be tainted with sand , the elephant uses its trunk as a filtering device , swinging the tip until all the sand is thrown out and only the water is left .
8 Like the donkey it is despised by its enemies and mistreated by its friends , but only because it is bound to be treated unfairly when it is seen unrealistically .
9 The sense of harmony and purpose among Mr Major 's advisers is bound to be tested before long .
10 In a passage which is bound to be seen as highly controversial in the present situation in East Germany , Sir Leon said : ‘ If Germany 's partners give the impression of being opposed to reunification this will only increase what is at present a small risk : that some in Germany may be tempted to seek reunification on the basis of doing a unilateral deal with the Soviet Union , involving the setting up of a new unified German state outside the Community .
11 This is bound to be seen as further evidence that Britain risks cutting itself off from the mainstream of European integration because of hostility both to economic and monetary union and to eventual political union .
12 Any attempt to open up the convolutions of farm policy to public scrutiny is bound to be seen as a threat to those with an interest in the status quo .
13 But anyone who takes the poem head-on , as though entering upon a piece of hitherto unfamiliar English verse , is bound to be struck by its crazy-paving of little-used or dialect words ( " shaws " ) , of samples from the literary lexicon ( " meads " , " unapparelled " ) , of old-tyme poetryspeak ( " thou wast not born for aye " ) , of dubiously archaic constructions ( " friend thee more " " steads him nothing " ) , of blended or cross-bred idioms ( " pure of stain " ) , of literary reminiscences ( " dust and dreams " — a most adroit rendering of , but one that inevitably recalls Shakespeare and " we are such stuff as dreams are made on " ) .
14 Bob Simpson believes a bad trot is always about to end — not that it is bound to be extended .
15 While this downswing will not be as sharp as the previous downturn ( in 1979-81 ) , not least given the very much lower level of inflation that we now have , a dull 1989 is bound to be followed by a difficult 1990 . ’
16 Up to 10,000 armed Palestinians live in Sidon and the surrounding hills , and the PLO is bound to be accused by its enemies of involvement in the kidnappings at the very moment when President Mubarak of Egypt is trying to involve PLO supporters in peace talks with Israel .
17 The position I have tried to adopt is that whilst the atheist must demand clarity , the theist can argue that the nature of his or her task necessitates a use of language that is bound to be criticised as unusual , although it can not be allowed to be contradictory .
18 A government that has been in office for 13 years is bound to be judged overwhelmingly on its record .
19 It is bound to be needed again .
20 As soon as the question is posed in this fashion , however , it begins to look as though some form of individualist answer is bound to be preferred .
21 Where a limited amount of money is available for allocation amongst competing demands , attention is bound to be focused on the procedures by which recipients are selected and others excluded .
22 A cake plate so temptingly situated is bound to be fought over .
23 In small interest categories the choice of stock offered to users at any one service point is bound to be restricted — despite the bias introduced by the square root formula .
24 ‘ If a video producer records live sound when filming , then the ‘ storyline ’ is bound to be carried by the commentary and you end up with a talk illustrated by pictures .
25 ‘ Even if you woke the child up again to clean his or her teeth , some of the sugar is bound to be retained in the crevices on or between the teeth .
26 ‘ Even if you woke the child up to clean his or her teeth , some sugar is bound to be retained on or between the teeth . ’
27 Flexibility is bound to be required to take account , for example , of a sudden increase in a particular type of work , of a complex transaction of such importance that the partners dealing with it must be on constant standby , of parents wishing to be free during school holidays .
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