Example sentences of "is often [adv] [vb pp] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The most important aspect , to my mind , is that finished work is often vastly improved and colour harmony easily achieved .
2 The bone in predator assemblages is often well preserved but has also been modified to varying extents .
3 It is often not needed and because sometimes you require both hands free to clamber over slippery rocks , with sharp barnacle-encrusted boulders as the only hand-hold , superfluous equipment is to be avoided .
4 The second entails a projection as to how the pupil will behave in the unit but this is often obliquely expressed and reworked in terms of the first .
5 The term ‘ basilican ’ applied to churches and cathedrals is often loosely used and given to buildings of different plan and construction .
6 Indeed , there is a desperate shortage of accommodation to rent , especially in urban areas , and the housing stock that exists in these areas is often poorly maintained and badly managed .
7 Last-minute learning is often poorly absorbed and " blocks ' your memory .
8 the preantennal segment is often poorly defined or unrecognizable and the protocerebrum is derived largely from the ectoderm of the lateral cephalic lobes .
9 Certainly there are visual differences ; first-century Roman niello is often poorly preserved but fifteenth-century Italian niello , even in badly damaged pieces , still fills every detail of a finely engraved design .
10 This interaction is often culturally determined and therefore whenever it is possible to extend the previously narrow focus on westernised middle-income parents developing spoken English in their infants , then very valuable information can be discerned in the language development .
11 The initial whisker crystal or filament is often highly bent and the growth layers can be seen to exert a very strong straightening action on the bent filament , such that , by the time the sinuous initial thread has grown to a millimetre or so thick , it is in , variably straight .
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